Argument From Intimidation

last modified: November 13, 2014

A combination of AdHominem and AdVerecundiam which basically alleges that the opposition must be stupid, racist, cruel, immature, or something like that in order to believe whatever it is arguing. After all, 'EverybodyKnows' that the argument has been proved false for centuries. You don't actually believe it, do you? You must be a genuine extremist in order to believe it.

(e.g., "What, you oppose a ban on pornography? Well, we know what you're looking at, you CensoredExpletives...")

This fallacy can frequently be a path to GodwinsLaw. -- EdwardKiser

Like the other fallacies it is based upon, it has nothing to do with the real content of the opponent's phrase.

Polls are also used as an argument from intimidation; by polling people who don't know a lot about an issue and who therefore deliver the wrong answers about it, pollsters can intimidate the well-informed minority with the majority result. i.e. ArgumentByTheMasses.

It is also a form of ArgumentFromIntimidation to simply shout the same point so loudly and so often that it drowns out the opposing point of view. Sadly, a lot of people argue in this manner.

[Moved from AdVerecundiam]

"It's so, because I say so." Anybody who says this has to reach for a gun sooner or later. -- AynRand

See: FallaciousArgument
