There are a lot of words that can be used to describe anger and frustration of certain types. This is a placeholder for them. Take your pick.
(But don't write them here. We should at least maintain the appearance of civility.)
Spock called them ColorfulMetaphor s.
In one of his ARM stories, LarryNiven described in passing how an era of oppressive government had caused "censored" itself to be an obscene term.
Aw, tanj!
There are many sci-fi based "swear words":
- The ShadowRun RPG used drek and frag to mean "junk" and "fun^Hck"
- Farscape used frell, as in "what the frell!"
- BattlestarGalactica used "felgercarb"
- Babylon5 used "flarn"
- Numerous StarTrek dialects, including both KlingonLanguage and Romulan, contain a variety of oaths and other epithets.
- Asimov used "unprintable" as a "swear word" in the Foundation books.
- DouglasAdams used zark
- Red Dwarf used smeg
I don't know why most of them start with "f", probably to remain mentally similar to another word. . .
The MetasyntacticVariable**s "foo" and "bar" originated from the expletive-including "fubar" (Fsck'd Up Beyond All Recognition)
See also FakeCussWord; perhaps (EditHint) this page ought to be merged with that one, as FakeCussWord has far more content...