Argument For Refactoring That Makes Sense

last modified: January 23, 2013

First - Ask yourself questions: DonaldNoyes.ThinkingOutLoud.20130117

I could go on, but why labour labor the point?

All of the problems and issues expressed above are made irrelevant and unimportant when making expression in Ward's new creation ( SmallestFederatedWiki ) now being tested and modified and created in many places and forms, and thereby being made better in the process.

Because one can do something in this wiki, which will make it senseless, meaningless, arbitrary, destructive and a nuisance means SomeoneWillBe, like it or not.

When one can be responsible or not, sensible or not, meaningful or not, arbitrary or not, destructive or preservative, polite or bothersome, SomeoneWillBe.

It is because of this flaw in the social mechanisms of a wiki, like WardsWiki, which presupposes cooperative, collaborative, critical and rational approaches to subject matter, that it will be subject to vandalism and vandals, to sock-puppets and impersonations, to opinions and views that are polar opposites, to insistence that such oppositions and views appear on the same-named page (properly or improperly spelled), and all other kinds of issues, including NotOnThisWiki, Please do or don't do this or that, OnTopic or OffTopic, it's a WalledGarden - so it doesn't belong here, that statements like this should not be on one sentence but broken down to be more readable, etc ... and so forth ... and so on, it is because of this nature of human behaviors such as these, that WardsWiki has come to the present point.

Even when efforts are launched to rescue and refine the wiki in its present form or in a slightly modified form as in CrazyThingsThatMightSaveWiki, and notions expressed in the idea that TheGodsMustBeCrazy, are and have been less than fruitful.

The ridiculous consumption of band-width, computer resources and human patience which goes on as in:

From http:RecentChanges 20120117 0435
Standard Tool Dependancy        517, 1244, 1378, 1418, 1464, 1462, 779, 95, 209, 281, 473, 773, 771, 
-9617 del, 0 del, new 9635, 358, 346, 381, -10009 del, 0 del, new 9635, 1135, -10763 del, 0 del, 
new 9635, 1764, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 8384, -8384 del, 8384, -8384 del, 0 del, new 9635, 
-9628 del, 8384, 11392, -11392 del, 8384, 11392, -11392 del, 0 del, new 9635, new 11399, -11393 del, 
1 del, new 9635, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 
0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 
11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 0 del, 
new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 
0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 
del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 0 del, 
new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 
11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, 
-11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, 
-11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, 
-11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 
11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, 
-11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del,
new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, 
-11392 del, 11392, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, 329, 344, 466, -11858 del, 11392, -11392 del, 11392, 
-11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, -11392 del, 0 del, new 11399, new 11865, 
-11858 del, -11858 del, 11858, 0 del ....

goes on and on ( the above actually took place ... because someone created a page which used an "a" instead of an "e" in "Dependency")

This is not just a behavior of today, this week, this month, or even this year. It has been going on for much to long, it destroys and overshadows the scene of RecentChanges (of whatever form) and ordinary and sensible discourse for the newcomer and for BalancingReadersWritersAndEditors.


I merged the missing content that was in the holding pen back into the main file (about 2 lines) after it quieted down, then it just started up again. grrrr JoshuaHudson

As soon as the boxers see that the ring is open, they are in. Hey, StandardToolDependancy looks like the old one. Some new links are missing. Plus, it's spelled wrong, according to MS-Word. Should I re-create the link(s) I remember, or wait a few days?

Wait a few days. I'll fix the misspelling, etc., then you can add the missing links if I haven't found them. -- DaveVoorhis


Or more of the same Problem Contributors

Or some of the Alternatives suggested above, or suggested below

Alternate Wikis

How do you isolate, summarize, and clean up statements and ideas when miscommunication seems to be the main problem? Two parties just plain view the world so differently that the same words mean something different to each. Software models have so many paths to the same (or satisfactory) outcome. CommonSenseIsAnIllusion. Roadkill to one person is a bent fender, to another it's dinner.

