All Language Is Programming

last modified: October 26, 2009

Computer ProgrammingLanguages are only a subset of the different languages found on Earth. All languages from the most simplistic odors and back-archings to the most complicated multi-lingual pattern labyrinths are used to convey information and direct the actions of others. In order to be effective at communicating and directing actions in a complex world, many different languages must be employed. As soon as one's baby brain realizes how to use sounds and body language to get someone to do something, one becomes a programmer. While a child is a considerable novice to programming, an effective politician or entertainer is a master programmer. It's as simple as getting food and as complex as controlling the populations of several countries.

"Whenever you get feedback from a computer, it's not the results of your programming - it's the computer programming you. AllLanguageIsProgramming InSovietRussia."

What you say may be true, but if in this forum you insist on using the term "programming" to refer to something other than "computer programming" then you risk misunderstanding. Are you being misleading intentionally?

AllLanguageIsProgramming, so therefore I can implement the 8 queens problem in HTML. Better yet, I can do it in wiki markup. Let's see, was that 19 single quotes or 20....

Yeah? So let's see you do it.

I asked you first.

No you didn't!

I know you are, but what am I?

[What's that got to do with 8 queens?]

You have to pick the language first. But under the AllLanguageIsProgramming hypothesis, picking the language is undecideable. So anything can be programmed in theory, but nothing can be in practice.

OK, so it is an unusual, perhaps counter-intuitive use of the word, but that doesn't mean that the concept is without merit. Now that we've had our fun making fun of it, are there lessons, parallels, or connections to find and learn from?

Except that's still elementary school logic, but now it's only true if you extend the word programming beyond its ordinary meaning. Why that speaking with bent language of that sort should be considered more profound than making the same statement using the ordinary terms is beyond me.

Programming (n.),

We're attempting to use language to program each other into an arrangement of thought. Programming a PC isn't much different. One is hardware (the PC) and the other is WetWare (the human brain). However, another interesting point is: by the vary nature of language itself, language attempts to program.

JMN, I like the concept of language as programming. It seems to me that talking to someone can be thought of as building 'state' in the recipients mind in a manner analogous to setting variables; albeit in an inexact and fuzzy manner. Consider the act of telling a joke; it requires certain preparatory statements to have been entered to build up a particular state so that the punchline will perform the desired action - presumably laughter/amusement. The difference between this and plain 'communication' is that communication implies a mere data transfer - whereas the idea of language as 'programming' suggests the speaker/author has a concept of the sorts of mental state that their words can build up, and crafts their delivery to tend towards certain 'results'. Whether anyone can actually do this with enough precision to really be considered programming is debatable; for example, programming girls with cheesy pickup-lines is kinda like feeding python statements into a perl interpreter ;)

oops - there's a bug in the punchline. s/cheesy/suggestive/

Spoken language used to psychologically manipulate people as if they were inanimate objects is widely considered unethical, so if that is the main value of the thought behind AllLanguageIsProgramming, then there isn't very much value there.

Why would the fact that people think it's unethical (assuming they do) nullify the value of this idea?

That's a good question. I guess I was assuming there's no point in exploring an unethical approach, but that's obviously wrong to the extent that there can be value in describing things without any intent to practice them.

On the other hand, there's still the critique that this implies (as you said, "assuming they do [think it's unethical]") that AllLanguageIsProgramming has inherent ethical issues, while conventional computer programming does not (there are many situations where ethics arises, but they are dependent on final use, not on the act of programming the computer in and of itself).

So there's at least one sharp difference, despite any claimed similarities.

But if all language is programming (in some sense, from some perspective), should we avoid discussing that because it's widely considered unethical? Being unethical has no bearing on its truth. What if we can't help but use language to manipulate people as if they were inanimate objects? Or even animate objects? I'm looking at this from the perspective of Dennett's model of consciousness as internalized speech. In that model language evolved to program/control people (not just other people, but ourselves as well). If that's unethical then language itself is unethical, because it serves no other purpose than to attempt to change the mental state (and consequently the actions) of a human.

Heh. Yeah, well, Dennett is a very smart guy, but he is definitely prone to counting angels dancing on pin heads. You hadn't noticed that the word "manipulation" or "manipulative" has a very negative connotation?

I don't deny the negative connotation, only question why that connotation would decrease the value of this page. If language is programming us (and I believe it is) there's value in examining how it does that. And I don't understand what his model of consciousness and its evolution has to do with angel counting.

The difference is that once people are conscious, one can distinguish between voluntary and involuntary changes. Manipulation and programming nearly always refer to involuntary changes, which are the only kind available on a computer. Persuasion is something different; while it might have the same sort of goals, it functions very differently in practice. But assuming Dennett's hypothesis, or even something like Jaynes, it might be fair to say that language started out as programming.

But consciousness doesn't give us the ability to avoid involuntary manipulation. If you see a gruesome image of a murder victim on the news, you may close your eyes or change the channel (voluntarily) but your brain may reproduce the image for some time afterward (involuntarily). The same is true of language, even more so in some ways, because you can't close your ears.

Of course, but not all language falls into this category. As with any stimulus there will always be some involuntary effects, but they may not be an dominant or even notable part of the response. And when they are, they don't always correlate with what the speaker intends, making their control very limited.

Can we think of some use of language that doesn't fall into this category? I agree that the effect isn't always what the speaker intended, but that's true of computer programming as well. When I look at the effect a well constructed pamphlet, theorem, poem, song, article, speech or advertisement, the control doesn't seem "very limited".

Sometimes you can notice you are being influenced and resist. You may notice someone is obviously trying to make you mad, and you consciously refuse. Same with advertising.

Sometimes, yes, but if language wasn't an effective way to program people, why would there be so much advertising?

Language is effective, but only some language attempts to influence in this manner. For instance, people bounce ideas off of each other, looking to gain insight rather than change the other person's state of mind - or their own, at least not towards any specific end. And while programmers make mistakes, they can hardly be compared to the completely unpredictable results of some dialogues. If you'll notice, I said the difference was a matter of degree; while there are some similarities, in the vast majority of cases they aren't enough to make the two apply in similar ways. Good advertising may be an exception, but it's a long way from AllLanguageIsProgramming.

"Bouncing ideas" off of other people is intended to influence them. It's a simulation or test of how those ideas affect others. What kinds of language don't attempt to influence people?

[Also, as was suggested thousands of years before Jaynes, not everyone is conscious when they're awake (ever drive home on automatic while daydreaming?) - such awake but semi-conscious people can be highly influenced by hypnogogic suggestions such as advertising.]

Would someone now care to re-write the above as DocumentMode?

CategoryNaturalLanguage CategoryProgrammingLanguage
