A roster of the sagging shelf of books with "agile" somewhere above their folds. Or books that would have if they'd been printed after the infamous AgileAlliance meeting.
Add'em here as fast as you write'm, folks!
- AdaptiveSoftwareDevelopment
- AgileAndIterativeDevelopment: A Manager's Guide, By Craig Larman
- AgileDatabaseTechniques - ScottAmbler, ISBN: 0-471-20283-5
- AgileDocumentation
- AgileDocumentation Ruping
- AgileJava
- AgileManagementForSoftwareEngineering: Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results DavidAnderson
- AgileModelingBook
- AgileProjectManagementWithScrum
- AgileSoftwareDevelopment Cockburn
- AgileSoftwareDevelopment Principles, Patterns, and Practices
- AgileSoftwareDevelopment: Evaluating the Methods for Your Organization
- AgileSoftwareDevelopmentEcosystems
- AgileSoftwareDevelopmentEcosystems
- AgileSoftwareDevelopmentPrinciplesPatternsAndPractices
- AgileSoftwareDevelopmentWithScrum
- ArtfulMaking
- BalancingAgilityAndDiscipline
- CodeCompleteSecondEdition
- Crystal Clear - Alistair Cockburn
- CrystalClear: A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams
- DesignPatterns
- DomainDrivenDesign EricEvans
- Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#
- EssentialSkillsForAgileDevelopment
- eXtreme .NET: Introducing eXtreme Programming Techniques to .NET Developers
- ExtremeProgrammingApplied: Playing to Win Ken Auer, Roy Miller (because although XP Explained taught me what to do, XP Applied taught me how to do it, practically and without ruffling too many feathers.)
- ExtremeProgrammingExamined
- ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChange
- ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChangeSecondEdition
- ExtremeProgrammingExplored
- ExtremeProgrammingForWebProjects
- ExtremeProgrammingInPractice
- ExtremeProgrammingInstalled
- ExtremeProgrammingInTwentyFourHours
- ExtremeProgrammingPocketGuide
- Fit for Developing Software: Framework for Integrated Tests
- Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit
- LeanDevelopment
- Managing Agile Projects
- Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development
- Planning Extreme Programming
- PracticalGuideToExtremeProgramming
- ThePragmaticProgrammer : From Journeyman to Master (PragmaticBookshelf)
- Pragmatic Unit Testing In C# with Nunit
- PragmaticUnitTesting
- QuestioningExtremeProgramming
- RefactoringImprovingTheDesignOfExistingCode
- RefactoringToPatterns
- Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
- TestDrivenDevelopmentaPracticalGuide
- TestDrivenDevelopmentByExample
- TestingExtremeProgramming
- TheBookAgileSoftwareDevelopment
- User Stories Applied - Mike Cohn
- WorkingEffectivelyWithLegacyCode - MichaelFeathers
- ZenAndTheArtOfMotorcycleMaintenance
Help: BringingDesignToSoftware? BusinessProcessReengineering? ChaosToOrder? ConstantineOnPeopleware? CriticalPath? CrossingTheChasm? DebuggingTheDevelopmentProcess? EmbracingChange? FlowThePsychologyOfOptimalExperience? ImprovingTheDesignOfExistingCode?
CategoryBooks CategoryAgileMethodology