Crystal Clear

last modified: July 31, 2014

''Crystal Clear ' by Alistair Cockburn

ISBN: 0201699478 The CrystalClearMethodology is ostensibly about projects with 2-8 people, most of the book applies to any project, or at least easily to projects employing fewer than 30 people.

The "new news" in the book is the use of Properties to describe the methodology, rather than processes or practices. Also fairly new news are the strategies and techniques he describes, many of which aren't in print anywhere else yet.

CrystalClear is for very small, colocated teams. AlistairCockburn identifies 3 core properties as well as 4 additional properties, which bring a software project further into "the safety zone":

The publisher's site is also useful, since it has the preface and a sample chapter on line: See,1144,0201699478,00.html

