Agile Management for Software Engineering David J Anderson
Whether you're using XP, Scrum, FDD, or another agile approach, you'll learn how to develop management discipline for all phases of the engineering process, implement realistic financial and production metrics, and focus on building software that delivers maximum customer value and outstanding business results.Coverage includes:
- Making the business case for agile methods: practical tools and disciplines
- How to choose an agile method for your next project
- Breakthrough application of Critical Chain Project Management and constraint-driven control of the flow of value
- Defines the four new roles for the agile manager in software projects-- and competitive IT organizations
- Read - Contents, Introduction, Acknowledgments, Section 1 and Index
Hmm. Can't help but notice that the C2 is becoming a marketplace for people to hawk their books. Everybody's an expert at something, I guess...
CategoryBook, CategoryAgileMethodology