RecentChanges might as well be my default MozillaBrowser homepage. And one day WhyNotStartToday will be my personal mantra.
Personal website:
- PythonLanguage
- JavaLanguage
- SchemeLanguage
- ProgrammingLanguages in general
- ProgrammingLanguageDesign
- OperatingSystemsDesign
- and of course the intersection of the previous two subjects. Currently I'm only aware of the NextStep/ObjectiveCee and Unix/CeeLanguage pairings where the development of one influenced the development of the other. And I'm not sure about NextStep. ObjectiveCee was probably a separate project.
- WebApplicationDesign
- OnlineCommunities
- InterTwingle
- OoDesignPrinciples
- SavingOrphans. This involves finding interesting OrphanPages and creating links to them.
- ProgrammingIsHard. The EssentialComplexity of programming is the only real JobSecurity in this industry and the only thing that makes it worthwhile. Otherwise we'd all be off writing poetry.
- HitTheSpot
- JavaThree
I'm currently toying with:
- A WikiWikiWikiClone called KwikWiki. It's written in Java 1.4 (JSPs, a ControllerServlet and CommandPattern used with reflection to separate out the various features). KwikWiki builds tend to go up on Interesting features include my usage of the ExceptionTunneling idea and a boatload of Java 1.4 features. See the KwikWiki page for details.
- A heavily optimized version of SameTool.
- NiceLanguage: which is basically Java with all those features you read about in StructureAndInterpretationOfComputerPrograms and LambdaTheUltimate such as MultiMethods. See for more details. Now if only I could get anything more complicated than HelloWorld to work. Maybe being similar to an existing language isn't that brilliant an idea. I keep writing Java when I want to write Nice. And the strange thing is, that sentence is actually grammatical.
You should find help in the tutorial, which lists the main differences with Java, and the user manual. As these are still in development, feel free to send questions to the nice-info mailing list, to the Wiki clone about Nice, or to the author (links from the main web page). -- DanielBonniot
- SubVersion: CVS works very nicely for me. Largely because I sat down and read the documentation. Unfortunately the things I don't like about it turn out to be fundamental parts of it's architecture. So I'm moving small personal projects like my website over to using SubVersion.
- Aggrevator: which is a scalable RSS/Atom aggregator with a MySql back-end. It is designed to make life easier for people who want to subscribe to large numbers of blogs by using scoring, sophisticated search, filtering and sorting. More information can be found at the web page here:
- GoogleWave: I added it for him; thx for the invite ! ~~PieterJansegers