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PieterJansegers is a teacher of French as a foreign language, a collector of dictionaries and an ICT enthusiast. Now also TwitterConsultant ...
His interest for French as a foreign language combined with his ICT skills is beginning to be known to the larger world community of teachers of French.
He is a Belgian. Look for other Belgian interactive teachers of French: http://teachers.freecities.com
At ten, his uncle EwaldArijs, taughtt him how to program in BasicLanguage, although his uncle preferred PascalLanguage himself, on an Apple. PieterJansegers did get a Commodore 64 [CommodoreSixtyFour] for his birthday that same year. (His birthyear being 1972, that was quite normal.)
Being able to program in TurboPascal and Logo, Logo was his favorite language, that's probably why he likes this environment: it reminds of the building structure of the LogoLanguage.
VisualBasic, HTML [HyperTextMarkupLanguage] and JavaScript are the three more recent covered areas. The combination of the last two gives a return to basics feeling.
Some knowledge of UnixOperatingSystems. But he never really programmed anything on it, apart from a website in the time of Gopher. (An automatically expending one, based on his recorded favorites on the university server.)
He would like to become a WikiMaster, but he has first to reduce his ego. Is there an oriental Buddhistic inspiracy behind Wiki?
Some of his pages:
Some of his homepages:
A French Wiki of his hand:
And two Wiki Projects:
A late version of his very first homepage and other students' pages of his university faculty: http://web.archive.org/web/19971021090611/http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~pjansege/ (AD 1997)
It's fun to imitate the Caesar third person writing style!
Now experiencing the http://www.smartschool.be digital schoolplatform. Quite nice...
BTW, Dutch is the canonical ForeignLanguage, as instanced by "it's all Dutch to me".
Uh, you mean Greek?
Sorry, it was a comment by a visitor and I don't know why he/she considers Dutch as we Belgian consider Chinese to be completely understandable. -- pj
I've always assumed "Greek" was used merely out of political correctness - after all, the totally incomprehensible is referred to as Double Dutch, not Gobbledegook Greek.
About the flag indication on sites: How about Swahili? Any flag in particular? :-) -- ra
'quick info transfer area'
http://www.orkut.com The inverse world compared to the openness of wiki... Currently getting 'orkut' (read: bored) of it... not really as fun as would be possible -- pj
But http://www.cafewiki.org is quite interesting. A sort of expanded wiki system. Not all extensions are that nice. Especially the syntax is getting out of control, but that's the price to pay for altering Wiki.
I found the site http://www.gmane.org/ and I'm exploring that one at the moment.
On the MicrosoftCorporation : remember the classic "Is Windows a Virus?" [http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-115]
and the other one "Win95 vs Jesus Christ" [http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~omri/Humor/JesusVsWin95.html]
Also reading about wiki and technology; and experiencing WabiSabi
Let's add the WikiSocialNorms page...
I've adopted the Chinese name for registrations on some Chinese sites. Apparently, the character for my surname can't be used on this wiki. http://alpha.app.net/jansegers/post/8092833
Wikipage on FrenchLanguage
Wikipage on MachineTranslation
My Wiki Activity: http://c2.com/cgi/wikiSig?PieterJansegers
Use also the MetaWikiSearchEngine at http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl
and look at the the canonical list of WikiEngines
and the World Wide Wiki at SwitchWiki http://www.worldwidewiki.net/wiki/SwitchWiki
If you don't like reading stuff you're not certain of that it will interest you, reduce the volume of it by using synope demo at http://www.carp-technologies.nl/en/index.php3?page=/en/home.html (works for English and Dutch, quite nice results, I tried it out on some Wiki Pages and Tech articles)
Try http://www.rocketdownload.com/details/inte/6905.htm instead.
I will look at it... Attention it is redirected now to http://www.rocketdownload.com/index.php !
How about the web-based AOL Quick Buddy or ICQ2GO! then? No installation required. -ra
Thanks RA !
http://www.illumirate.com might be interesting.
It proves to be this way, yet Dmoz seems more powerful, but like illumirate is language non-specific, it could gain more interest over the long run. Language specificity is being the weak part of Dmoz, categorization of multilanguage sites is the big problem and also that of language teaching sites that are mainly in the target language. Illumirate has no problem with such a site.
Now checking out the Claroline platform by introducing French course material on the Eniversity site: http://www.eniversity.com [OFF line , a real pity]
5 November 2004 15:15 (GMT + 1)
Gmail seems to be overpopular. The first time ever I've got the error: "Sorry, service is currently not available. Please try again later."
At this moment my contribution on my family name cognates is busy on wikipedia, maybe my page will be deleted. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Votes_for_deletion/Log/2005_January_31
My defense and acceptance of the decision that will be taken, whatever it will be can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jansegers
I'm writing cyberhistory here, but that wasn't the aim.
Finding out about http://www.conversate.org Could be quite interesting. Not a wiki, not a blog, not a forum, not a guestbook, but a cooperative writing experiences limited or not to friends and colleagues...
Also testing the http://del.icio.us/ services and adding to the tag-world my own bit of info.
Interesting blogs:
Interesting for finding people:
Social network creation site
This site could become the new leader in the social sites field. Even facebook.com or myspace.com aren't this powerfull. It's an Orkut/Friendster like site, but on the next level.
Three main English language nings of mine were :
webosophy.ning.com , credentials.ning.com and searchengines.ning.com
BTW I've killed off all of my 20 nings like it become a pay service...
Learning PHP and testing it in the online IDE at http://coderun.com
Trying to make DHTML language exercise that are cross-browser, cross-media, cross-platform
Now creating a microblog media empire...
I believe microblogs are changing society profoundly, because information can easily be past through on a world wide scale at a pace never seen before.
My latest website : http://jansegers.mezoka.com
-- REQUEST about PersonalSystemTwo --
Any chance to get a PS/2 system disk? My semi-portable IBM computer failed me at the end of 2005 (an INTEL-based model) and I can't get it started any more...
I'm looking to recover the data on it.
Thanks a lot.
etymology try : schraminkel & its history
zou terug gaan net als simme op het Latijnse simia, d.i. aap, spook, geraamte
oudste vondst als adjectief :
Tuerlinckx, 566: schraminkel, mank, sukkelachtig.
sources: http://www.wnt.inl.nl/iWDB/search?actie=article_content&wdb=WNT&id=M063053 http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/stoe002nede01_01/stoe002nede01_01_2061.php
nog te checken http://www.knabbelbabbel.be/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=50 -> waar vrij recent nog het substantief wordt gebruikt in deze vorm
Chinese News about IT (in English)
General IT news
Exploring YouTube and loving it !
Just found out about http://9rules.com/
Using Google Knol
Science and religion both amazed about the Laws of the Universe...
to google for me, use
jansegers -Ann -Anneleen -Anke -Chaja -Els -Erna -Diana -Dora -Isabella -Gerda -Greet -Griet -Heidi -Hilde -Jorien -Jeannine -Katharina -Katrien -Katrijn -Kathy -Katja -Kristel -Kristien -Linda -Liliane -Nele -Martina -Maria -Nicole -Rita -Sylvie -Shari -Sofie -Tanja -Tanya
-Aimé -Alex -André -Bert -Clement -David -Davy -Denis -Dirk -Emiel -Filip -Francis -Freddy -Gerd -Guido -Gustaaf -Guy -Hans -Jean -Jeffrey -Jerry -Jhonny -Jos -Kevin -Koen -Kris -Kristof -Leo Leon -Luc -Ludwig -Marco -Mario -Mark -Maurice -Niels -Paul -Peter -Petrus -Pol -Richard -Ricus -Rik -Roger -Rudy -Serge -Steph -Steven -Stijn -Tijl -Timmy -Tom Tomas -Walter -Werner
(apparently Google can't cope with all of these names at once)
Microblog listing September 2013
http://bloggy.se http://buzzerly.com http://bzout.com http://cirip.ro http://chatter.hu http://cotobaco.com http://fanfou.com http://friendi.ca http://identi.ca http://gzkkk.com http://haru.fm http://heello.com http://khaces.com http://latri.ca http://mabano.com http://meemi.com http://me2day.net http://mimo.vn http://mitcsinalsz.hu http://plappadu.com http://picotea.com http://pingbg.com http://pinger.pl http://pinzui.com http://pippio.com http://plasr.com http://plerb.com http://plurk.com http://rstat.us http://spnbabble.com http://squiper.com http://status.net http://swisen.com http://t.qq.com http://telog.com.br http://tent.is http://tumblr.com http://twitter.com http://twitxr.com http://weibo.com
http://leihou.com http://krikri.es
http://adocu.com http://anywr.com http://edmodo.com http://fluther.com http://help.com http://magnoto.com http://soup.io http://suggerus.com
allthinks.com armenix.com babl.nl bakbak.in beemood.com bentio.com blip.pl bloggino.com brightkite.com drbz.cz dukudu.de emote.in enqando.com fazkut.com feecle.jp frazr.com fritsi.com frndc.com futubra.com gozub.com jaiku.com jisko.net hellotxt.com koomo.cn kwippy.com mblogi.ru mexicodiario.com microblogr.com nolyo.com noumba.net niimo.com numpa.nl playtalk.net posterous.com pownce.com qaiku.com qiqima.com qmsg.nl rejaw.com saigonica.com sciencefeed.com secondbrain.com seesmic.com smspr.ru spoink.com tapioka.ca tiish.com twoorl.com waka.me watwet.com yazzem.com yelago.com yonkly.com zannel.com zuosa.com 12seconds.com
bpoke.com cielo.com floort.com hictu.com safirio.com snockles.com twiker.net
Why Twitter survives ...or why I think Mashable is wrong. | June 2008, Jonathan Snook - http://snook.ca/archives/opinion/twitter_survival
For the complete list of WikiZens click on http://c2.com/cgi/fullSearch?search=CategoryHomepage
Now quite active on Twitter http://twitter.com/jansegers
and more recently I've discovered Quora http://www.quora.com/Pieter-Jansegers
Yazzem is back ! finally see me at http://yazzem.com/jansegers