Zombie Technologies

last modified: April 29, 2014

Note: this topic is not related to security breaches (spam-bot "zombies"), but rather obsolescence patterns.

We can't always afford to throw away investment in older technologies. Some technologies survive due to the excessive cost and risks associated with change even when there's a consensus amongst most people that we'd be better off in the long term converting.

It can be difficult, however, to say when a technology is truly obsolete. Although one technology may seem 'obviously' better than another, a closer look often reveals advantages of both. As always, don't use a snappy epithet as a substitute for critical thinking.

See the ScaleOfObsolescence; it might be useful to attach scores to the technologies listed here. (Quick reference: 0: State of the art; 1: Best Available to users; 2: Best cost-effective Mainstream Solution; 3: Low-end Solution; 4: Legacy Solution; 5: On the way out; 6: Limited Use; 7: Fully Replaced; 8: Museum Piece)



copper telephone wires (score: 2)

That blankety-blank MCS-51 family of microcontrollers (score: 7, but tell that to Cypress)


* obsoleted by: CAN Bus. Widely used in Automobiles, Marine Industry and Manufacturing

I see a lot of posturing here - I'm not at all certain that digital imaging has obsoleted film yet, and the Basic language ethos is hardly technology. -- PeteHardie

When I first read the title of the page, I understood "Zombie" to mean "technologies which should be long dead (technologically) but aren't (on the marketplace)". I guess you would find at least some people who would put Microsoft operating systems there... -- FalkBruegmann

Yes, you may find some. You will find useless, impotent ranting of all sorts here on the C2...

"The MS OS is dead. Win 8 was its ninth life."

As we have discussed, all manner.

Moved here from NaturalThing

Anyone here into using "old" technologies? Especially someone using or maintaining SAG's Natural and Adabas. If so, what ya think? Is this fading away in front of all that hitec java, jini, corba, sql and stuff? Or will micro$oft rule the world shortly with all it's proprietary "must-install-to-run-the-latest-things" strategy? Just a thought...

I was recently at a user group meeting where the director of research and development for a fortune 500 company was telling us that Java is the future, and all other programming languages will go away within the next 10 years. "Wait a minute," I said, "Your company is still using COBOL 74 for its main applications!" (And they refuse to upgrade to COBOL 85 or COBOL 95, as it would require recompiling their programs, which they claim they can't do. They have the source code; they claim that they can't afford to compile it.) So I'm sure that many familiar old technologies will still be around, for as long as the hardware holds out.

Want to take a trip down memory lane? Visit a HamRadio swap meet. You can get Commodore-64s, Apple-IIs, and lots of other museum pieces. -- JeffGrigg

Ham operators are pack-rats. I have a circa '68 20 metre rig sitting on my bench, ready to go. Works fine, too, so long as I don't move it!

See: QwertySyndrome, VinylIsDead

CategoryTime, CategoryRant
