Zero Tolerance

last modified: November 9, 2014

Note: Until we have resolved this issue, please "bump" this message if it has fallen off RecentChanges, particularly if it has been deleted from RecentChanges.

[There has been ongoing confusion regarding this page (and some related pages). ZeroTolerance is not a suggestion, it is not a call for votes, etc. ZeroTolerance is an announcement of official wiki policy by EarleMartin, acting in his official capacity as a steward designated by the owner of this wiki, WardCunningham, to try to keep the wiki from self-destructing in the face of ongoing long term attacks from various quarters. (See also top of of that page is arguments with the major bad guy.)]

Actually, the attack is from one quarter, acting via various anonymous Web proxies.

As a steward, I am requesting that all users of this site aid each other in ridding ourselves of the pest that has been plaguing us for many months (see MessageForTheStewards, CeaseAndDesist, AnonIsStillBanned, MustEliminateImperfection). Please unilaterally undo any edits made by this individual, on sight. They are generally recognizable for consisting purely of changes to whitespace, comma placement, or dash styling; or contain comments supporting the vandal's position.

By expressing a policy of ZeroTolerance as a community we can make ourselves heard. -- EarleMartin

Incidentally, I note that the vandal is now setting his username to "EarleMartin" to try and delete this message (and replace it with words I did not write). It demonstrates clearly what kind of an individual he is. -- EarleMartin

Anon's changes are also partially recognizable for containing a host of spelling fixes. I hesitate to say more in public about Anon's MO, however. -- ElizabethWiethoff


Reverted edits from are the result of an experimental automated device designed to assist in enforcing the steward's request. The device is currently being intermittently tested under close supervision; this will continue until it has been deemed safe to operate continuously without supervision. It will only be active when the individual known as Anon edits, or if others closely emulate his behaviour patterns. It is not intended to target genuine contributions or normal and legitimate gnoming. -- DaveVoorhis


Avast! We've been boarded by that scurvy rat! Brandish yer cutlasses!

Not only brandished, but sunk deep in his sagging yellow heart. We've seen that sad excuse for a grammarian off again, boys, and now it's back to the PirateWiki for us, where men are men, women are women, and each dresses like the other! Or something of that nature. Yo ho ho and so on. -- Peg Leg Pete.

(Later...) He's back, mates! Hang 'im from the yardarm!

24-09-2006: Put 'im in the bilge and make'm drink it!

26-09-2006: Keelhauling's too good fer the likes of 'im!

29-09-2006: Make'm wark the plank!

30-09-2006: Shave 'is belly with a rusty razor!

12-10-2006: Talk like a pirate until 'e flees in unholy terror!

01-11-2006: Arrrg.

02-11-2006: The scurvy scallawag is using brigand's tactics again. Return fire!

Discussion moved to ZeroToleranceDiscussion.
