You Cant Convince Me

last modified: November 18, 2012

Sometimes one can only say YouCantConvinceMe.

We on this Wiki don't have many answers when it comes to making people see their own fallacies. [A generic reply to a request to defend a subject maybe]

"Experts - people who have, by nature, studied this subject far more than you or I - have largely come to an agreement that macro-evolution is true based on the available evidence. Scientific theories must be falsifiable by nature, so unless you have evidence to falsify this theory upon which experts largely agree, I seriously doubt you'll be able to sway anyone to your side - certainly not me."

[One doesn't need to explain and point to the correct papers.] Keep in mind that BurdenOfProof is, in a very practical and matter-of-fact way, to be shouldered by whomever is attempting to change what is 'accepted' truth in the audience. In this case, you're probably better off not arguing with him because he doesn't consider himself well enough educated in the subject to present all the proper arguments and evidence: he'll just wait for you to win against the CommunityOfExperts.

See also BurdenOfProof ThreeMonkeys
