This wiki's SpellingChecker is missing some words and terms commonly used here. Here's a very short list. (When checking against the spellchecker's view of this page, note that it has case-sensitive lexicographic ordering, rather than the case-insensitive ordering used here.)
- Isa (not a word by itself, but a de facto word in the titles of many wiki pages) Actually, there is also a place called Mount Isa. In fact, it's the world's largest city (in terms of land area).
- billionaire
- Booch
- Cacho
- CD
- checkboxes
- chopstick
- Cisco
- const (a CeeLanguage keyword, used on several page titles)
- consultancy (We gots lots o' consultants here, right?)
- diff
- Eckel
- emails [Why not "e-mails"] ( Are you sure this is a word? I thought the plural of email is email: "I get too much spam email", like the plural of rice is rice. Actually, rice doesn't have a plural, as it's a noun of quantity. E-mail can be used as a noun of quantity or of singularity/plurality, depending on the context. For instance, "I get a lot of e-mail", but "You sent me two e-mails.") {Emails (or e-mails?) is also the third form of the verb to e[-]mail.},
- Escher
- espresso
- Flyweight
- Hobbit
- IMHO (Objection. None of that Internet techno geek speak, please. Use a RealLanguage like a RealPerson. Thanks.) [Seconded. We don't need no steenkeen Usenetisms.] Thirded, I actually do a seek and destroy on this phrase from time to time. Quite often, it doesn't even have to be expanded, just deleted. IMHO, the text is clearly the author's opinion.
(in lieu of previous post please add) RealLanguage and RealPerson
- Internet
- Informix
- Java
- judgement
- macrocosmic
- mailto
- microcosmic
- microcontroller
- mindset
- Mozilla
- namespace
- NP
- oi
- OO
- oxymoron
- Perl
- polymorphism
- recognize
- refactor
- sandbox (the WikiWikiSandbox page, the Java sandbox virtual machine)
- Silmarillion
- Smalltalk
- Scrum
- spam
- spellchecker (objection: what's wrong with standard English "spelling checker"?)
- spelt
- stakeholders
- usurps
- XP
- Xp (not a word by itself, but a de facto word in the titles of many wiki pages)
- wiki
- Wiki
- British, Canadian and Australian spellings (to fight the AmericanCulturalAssumptions) such as "realise", "favourite", "behaviour", "modularise" ...
Thank you so much for not claiming that "proactive" is a real word.
- It's widely used, it's in dictionaries, you yourself are aware of how to spell it correctly and (presumably) what it means. It's a word, all right - apparently one that annoys you. You should be less reactive and more proactive in dealing with words.
Thank you so much for not claiming that "thingies" is a real word.
Wasn't that what they called the flashing Leds on a magnet thrown up onto a wall in PortlandOregon?
CategoryWiki WordsToRemoveFromSpellCheckerDictionary