Real Language

last modified: November 13, 2014

COBOL! no, RealBasic :)

wow. i sure hope you meant to be funny....

More accurately, the Language the speaker uses, as opposed to any other. See also: RealComputer, RealOperatingSystem, RealMagic, RealPlayer, RealSound, ReelToReelTape, RealSillyReferences.

Maybe he was referring to the LanguagesOfChoice in The JargonFile?

Oh, excuse me, the CobolVsFortran77 showdown must be next door.

Duh. A RealLanguage is what a RealProgrammer uses. MachineCode, ToggleSwitches, and a SolderingIron. ;)

AmigaBASIC is the only real language :D

--- I'll go with Assembly/ML
