The WordSignature is the complete information about the word of a LopLanguage (e.g. ThelopLanguage).
It contains:
- word (e.g. File)
- class (e.g. object)
- meaning (e.g. represents a file)
- parameters (e.g. 1)
- effects (e.g. none)
There may be
- examples
- comments
LOP says that a function signature (ThelopNameSignature, NameSignature) should be identical to the combined signatures of the words from which the function name is built. This is called consistency (LopConsistency, ThelopConsistency).
I sometimes call it WalkYourTalk. -- HelmutLeitner
This means that
- Any parameter of a function (or method) must have some kind of representation in the function name.
- There must be no activity of a function that can't be derived from the meaning of the constructing words (the meaning of its name).
See also: LanguageOrientedProgramming