from WikiGrammar:
The use of the grouping of words as a WikiWordPhrase can be a powerful feature, perhaps the most significant contribution that the WikiRevolution has introduced. It seems only natural that modifications in the methodology of the groupings, include not only the casing, but the use of special characters to multiply the expression power available
- such as {{},[].,:;?_-%$!*<>~`},
Innovation should be encouraged in the application of this new grammar. It is a method of definition and association. Let your creative imagination respond! -- MarkRogers
interWikiLink adaptation -- meatBallWiki:RecentChanges
interWikiLink adaptation -- useModWiki:SubPages
intraWikiLink adaptation -- myIntranet:RecentChanges
localWikiLink adaptation -- myLocalLink:newPageName
anyPathedWiki adaptation -- *:pageNameSought
pagesContaining adaptation -- *:?pages[words sought]
codeRecovery adaptation -- ~:!InitLinkPatterns (a sub in UseModWiki)
- SpecialLinkingArrangements --
- SpecialCharacterUses -Tavi Categories
- [[! *]] - the category of all pages
- [[! ~]] - the category of pages scheduled for deletion
- [[! ?]] - the category of newly created pages (pages whose first version hasn't yet expired)
SecondGenerationWiki concepts