Wiki Url Scheme

last modified: November 3, 2014

The WikiUrlScheme enables the description of a link to a wiki topic, independent of any particular server. The presumption is that the user will specify a relevant server or set of servers. They could also specify a single master server that subscribes to a set of other servers.

Backwards compatibility - If wiki pages have URL's with wiki: at the beginning, then only users with browsers that have protocol handlers for this new scheme will be able to understand those links. However this is not necessarily a problem, as a wiki server could provide different scripts that generate different types of output according to the user's requirements. One script could generate output as currently done, another could output links using the new WikiUrlScheme. Yet another script (or scripts) could generate a frame set that links to other wikis that that wiki is subscribed to which have pages on the named topic.

The WikiServerUrlScheme would be used to advertise the various scripts available on a given wiki server. -- PhilipDorrell.


