Review of Twiky, unknown version
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Twiky is not the same as TWiki - because of the name similarity, they may change the name.
General Notes
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Please maintain separate reviews for each version of each WikiEngine. The intent is to maintain reviews of old versions of software that might still be in use on a WikiFarm or on a specific WikiSite. See WikiEngineReviewNewRelease for the recommended approach.
See WikiEngineReview, WikiEngineReviewNotes, and WikiEngineReviewTemplateAnnotated for notes and discussion about these reviews and wikis in general.
Date of Review: December 7, 2000
WikiEngine and Version Reviewed: Twiky, unknown version
WikiEngine Author: Sabu Francis (Tangent Software Pvt. Ltd.)
Review Summary: Twiky is more of a WikiFarm which happens to run their own WikiEngine. The WikiEngine is rather young, and it sounds like they plan to continue to develop it. At this point in time it is not very interesting to me because it is missing too many features that I believe are required. In particular navigation seems harder than many wikis because there is no place to easily type in a WikiName to jump to that page.
I could list the reasons that Twiky does not appeal to me, but they are covered in this review. The fact that it needs Windows (NT) to host my own wiki is not interesting -- I started this quest to find a replacement for AskSam so I could migrate to Linux.
Review Quality: Adequate for my purposes at this time.
Standard Features Missing (see WikiEngineReviewStandardFeatures):
Server OS: Windows NT, only
Language: Visual Prolog ("Narasimha" -- CGI enabled Prolog application??)
Database: Proprietary database, in XML format
Required Software: Windows NT, webserver(?), Prolog,
Installation Difficulty: They will help migrate to your site if you start a free Twiky and later don't want to pay for it.
License: Unknown -- source may be made available later.
Standard Features Missing (see WikiEngineReviewStandardFeatures): No recent changes. Backlinks are a little harder to find because you can't get them by clicking on the page title or an explicit button.
- Name / cost / limits / URL / backup schedule / comments:
Narasimha / free for a limited time, they prefer you pay a max of $25 -- if their costs exceed that they will help you migrate to your own NT Server / ? / / backup once/week
- Display WardsWiki text? No. It does display emphasis using the multiple single quote syntax, plus underlining, but nothing else. See editWiki(%22WikiEngineReviewTextFormattingTest%22)
Text formatting rules: Very different than WardsWiki, no numbered or nested lists -- see goWiki(%22Syntax%22)
Headings? No, but can be simulated with emphasis.
Allowable WikiNames: Almost anything enclosed in square brackets [...]
Subpages? No
Max Page Size: Not checked
Tables? No
Images? No
Attachments? No
Editing Contention Resolution: Not tested, no mention.
Search capabilities: Word or partial word only, no multiple words, phrases, within x
Email notification: No
Diffs: No
Embedded HTML (risky): No
Password protection? Yes. Required for editing. Any author can edit any page except those excluded by the administrator (which include an author's "home page")
Delete Pages? Unknown, assume can be done by administrator
Revision Snapshots? Each revision is saved.
Rollback: Uncertain, assume by administrator
Delete Snapshots? Yes, by administrator
Working Well with Others
Static or dynamic web pages: Dynamic
Indexed by search engines? Unknown
InterWiki Links? No special provisions or syntax.
Import / Export Features: None, planned enhancement.
Translators to/from other Wikis? No
Extra Features:
- Topics have voting boards -- not sure of the purpose
- Authors / editors must register to edit
- Authors home pages are not editable by others
- Session (ram) cookies are used to maintain author identity
- Administrator can prevent editing of other pages
Browsers Used: (See WikiEngineReviewBrowsersUsed for abbreviations)
- IE5_rhk
Comments by Users:
Originator / Author, Maintainer, Contributors
- Originator / Author: RandyKramer
- Contributors:
- <add your Wiki name, move this to next line>