Wiki Twiky Review Unknown Version

last modified: December 15, 2005

Review of Twiky, unknown version

Note: Some of the links in this review are not recognized properly, you will probably have to cut and paste to fix them in your browser.

Twiky is not the same as TWiki - because of the name similarity, they may change the name.

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See WikiEngineReview, WikiEngineReviewNotes, and WikiEngineReviewTemplateAnnotated for notes and discussion about these reviews and wikis in general.


I could list the reasons that Twiky does not appeal to me, but they are covered in this review. The fact that it needs Windows (NT) to host my own wiki is not interesting -- I started this quest to find a replacement for AskSam so I could migrate to Linux.



Narasimha / free for a limited time, they prefer you pay a max of $25 -- if their costs exceed that they will help you migrate to your own NT Server / ? / / backup once/week

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