Wiki Story

last modified: July 25, 2008 is found at, as it describes itself: allows you to write a short story together with other authors or to write one alone but share it with and receive feedback from thousands of others.

Become a member of WikiStory to contribute to, begin, or edit a story, poem, plot, or character description. Whether you want to comment on the plotline, edit a sentence, flesh out a character, write a chapter, or just fix grammar and spelling errors, WikiStory is the place for you to let your creative energies loose. In addition to stories, you may work on poems, independent plot outlines, or character descriptions, which you may then use in your writing or others may use.

If you want to write without allowing your work to be edited by others, you may put your work on your Author Page or an Author Subpage. In this case, other authors will not be able to edit your story, although they will still be free to make comments about your work on a talk page.

