Wiki Sound Links ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.201001310106.20111025
If you are using a Windows System, the following experiment may prove to work. It may work on other systems as well, but I have no way of testing to make sure.
- Imagine sounds specifically created for linkage used as object in a 21stCenturyWikiTechnology PersonalWiki, or within a LocalPageBase, which includes files other than images and text. It is important to show that linkage of audio segments can be a part of a page, where soundbytes can be inserted, merged, and otherwise refactored to reinforce other linkages on the page, and not just pointing to something exterior to it.
Requirements and Extensions Tested
Windows is normally configured to automatically associate and load a media player to hear sound files. If you do not use windows, your operating system must associate a suitable media player with sound files.
Some extensions tested and found to be working:
- mp3
- asf
- wav
Is this news?
Yes, this is news
- it shows a technique which can be applied to wiki pages
- it has not been widely used within WikiPages as a way to enhance the WikiCollaborationExperience
Yes, this is news, it shows how one can represent sounds attached and associated to topics with WikiPage names
- it represents a way to extend collaboration beyond the mere text of pages into the audio realm.
- it is a way those who are VisuallyChallenged and those who can take part as one of their WikiCollaborativePartners. ** The satisfaction that can be had With textReaders is something less than optimum
- it can be used by those who build BrowserDependentWikis that TheBrowserIsNotDead as an OutputMechanism for future wikis by incorporating specific sound files to soundify available WikiTechnology
- it works with EddiesWiki and many clones
- it can become another tool for those who use PersonalWikis to integrate sounds as UsefulUsableUsed InformationManagementObjects
- it is a method of presentation many have not tried. another of the many actionable linking mechanisms that can enhance and extend usefulness of wikis, personal or otherwise.
-- DonaldNoyes.20080507.1439.m06
Great, can you go ahead and add a new Wiki page for every single file type on the planet, too? Hey, everyone, you can link to Excel spreadsheets!!! (At least on Windows and Mac)! Film at 11! Or perhaps we could just accept it as a given that HTML links work in Wiki the same as they do everywhere else.
Nothing is taken as a given when it comes to wiki!
- Take this as given -> a WikiLink works the same way in wiki as they do anywhere else.
- Not true. You can do more with a link than just go there when clicked. The wiki engine is free to do many other things that Mozilla, IE, Netscape or FireFox do not do. The designer can cause the engine to do a myriad of other things besides construct a GoTo link on the page served to a user and then interpreted by the browser. It is not just that they work, it is that they work to accomplish something related to the wiki page. It is good that they work, but it is excellent that they can be used to reinforce and support the idea that the space brings to the user.
- Add a new Wiki page for every single file type on the planet.
- Not a good idea, but to construct means of handling the data that the wiki engine fetches, is not a bad idea, especially if the data is not text, marked-up text or some other version of text files, when it is a type one normally uses in collaboration with others. Since the human species is capable of multi-tasking, it does seem like there might be times when one would send an audio or video link which could be played at the same time as text is displayed.
- These and other possibilities are desirable in a WikiWithMoreThanPages.
- Value is increased when fire rather than smoke, and signal rather than noise are included to enhance and extend a wikis usefulness.
- Wikis can be far more than a many editor blog.
- It can illuminate, educate, illustrate, and facilitate people who become engaged in a collaborative venture.
- Since a picture is often better than a thousand words
- one could certainly include Excel links - linking to Excel spreadsheets where a chart can be displayed about current statistics of the Wiki -
- Number of users connected versus time of day
- Number of pages visited,
- Number of pages modified for each hour or day
- But one need not stop there, move on to other ways of use that only imagination limits.
- Let there be light
- Let there be music
- Let there be graphs and images
- Let there be illustrations and artworks
- Let there be audio stories
- Let there be embedded videos
- one could certainly include Excel links - linking to Excel spreadsheets where a chart can be displayed about current statistics of the Wiki -
-- DonaldNoyes.20080507 20111025