Wiki Server Side Applet

last modified: July 21, 2004

Recently many Wiki s support plugin framework theirselves. We can call them WikiServerSideApplet.

There is several kind of wiki server side applet

Most plugins has been implemented with same language as WikiEngine itself. For example, if WikiEngine is written with Perl, the plugins are also written with Perl. They has been installed by wiki site manager only, they are not editable.

Maybe many persons noticed the server side program is useful if we wrote it in wiki page(and it be editable). But it seems too dangerous to enable a program run on server side.

I would like to introduce that the common language between wikies is useful to write server side applets and it runs in side of sandbox, so the behavior is managed at all, mostly safe.

Why I did think so, Mr. OKada wrote Ruby program plugin which enable ruby script written in page and runnable. Then Mr. SHIMADA(he proposed HashedWiki at first also) proposed LISP like script in his own wiki(but his own wiki is written with Perl), I(ksr at todo dot org, Tiki) found that it is useful if it is standardized script language in order to write plugin. And I named it as standardized WikiServerSideApplet in Wiki context. It works in sandbox(managed region and resources). There are many languages to write WikiEngine but there is no common language to define and control and extend its behavior. We need to save effort to implement similar functionality in each Wikis if possible.

See also

What about a WikiClientSideApplet?
