To make searches within and among Wikis ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20120611
CompoundWikiWords would be used in procedures executed using a WikiQueryLanguage? (WQL).
Unimplemented (as yet) in any WikiEngine I know
Possibility Notions: (offered for thinking purposes only, hopefully implementations will follow)
An ExecutableProcessName Followed by a colon, then a WikiWordExpression
To search for pages containing a word in the current wiki:
- Find_Display:PageNames_ContainingWord
To search for pages containing a word in another wiki:
- Find_Display:PageNames_WikiName_ContainingWord
Commands might be assembled into named scripts:
- Search for pages with a given word in a selected wiki
- Find_Listto_PagesFound:PageNames_ContainingWord
- Process the list so as to prepare a page containing a list of found pages as links
- ConvertToHtml:PagesFound
- Save the list page using a given page name
- SaveAs:GivenPagesName
See Also: FlikiBase (query screen mockups)