To all WikiCitizens: We all want WikiPeace. It's not so hard really. Just keep a cool head and be nice to your fellow WikiCitizens. That is the WikiZen way my friends. Please keep this page to carefully considered peaceful suggestions so it can be used as a WikiTag.
(This page was originally started by RonJandrasi during the venomous EditWar of 2004.)
Good attitudes to adopt
In your relationships with other wikizens, AssumeGoodFaith. If proven otherwise, ignoring the tormentor is often best.
Exercise self-control and patience.
Practice the precepts eloquently written on WelcomeToWikiPleaseBePolite.
In case of conflict
Return to practicing BusinessAsUsual, FixYourWiki, and other wiki gardening.
Consider that conflicts are not entirely bad. Is it not better that the malice transpires in here, rather than OutThere? In here, it is so easily mended.
If you seek the LastWord, you've missed the point. Besides, grep -o \\w\\+$ will do that for you.
Wiki is not a virtual boxing ring. If you are intervening in a conflict diplomatically invite wiki war participants to take their private fight to e-mail or to private chat and to refrain from settling their personal accounts publicly.
Don't hate WikiCitizens.
It always helps to practice MeditationTechniques.
Cleaning up the mess
Picking up garbage is an obligation on Wiki. Delete all rude comments and inflammatory language, and consider carefully whether it is necessary to move them to the poster's homepage. Provide context if you feel generous. Ensure that what remains is coherent and retains the valid points.
You might even consider deleting controversial pages altogether if they are too personal or provoke discord.
When you delete material, justify your action. Write for example: Deleted for the sake of WikiPeace.
Of course, don't forget DeleteOnceRestoreOnce, or you will only be escalating the conflict.
Don't get offended if a controversial page you contributed to heavily gets deleted. If you want to restore it, follow the advice of this page.
Do not put inflammatory pages on Wiki. If you see any, delete or ReFactor them.
Don't overclean. Step back, let someone else do it, and let the community right itself. If just 2 or 3 individuals are the ones cleaning the mess, it starts to look more like conspiracy, and less like consensus.
Do not gloat. This is not a war, or a battle. We are simply doing our chores.
Do not delete anyone's homepage. The creator(s) of garbage must take responsibility for GarbageCollection.
Don't list (alleged) malefactors. This only makes matters worse, like finger pointing on the school playground... "He did it!!" "No I didn't, He did it!!"