Wiki Off Topic Gems

last modified: August 20, 2014

While WiseWordsWrittenOnThisWiki is mostly WikiOnWiki, this is a page on OffTopic pages that are like hidden gems that turn up during house cleaning. They sparkle and catch the corner of your eye, often when you get just too tired through concentrating on serious work too long. And would go away unnoticed for years, if you did not reclaim them when rediscovered.

Unclassified but definitely Gem quality

Not quite gemstone but these older pages can release hidden creative energy, useful diversion from programming

Good pages in the twilight zone between OnTopic and OffTopic

NOTE: Pages listed here should be ones that would further the cause of TolerateOffTopic, and preferably ones that do not have a large number of links, nor changed often.

See: WowFactor
