Wiki No Location Url Scheme

last modified: November 3, 2014

The WikiNoLocationUrlScheme is a prefix wiki-no-location: which is prepended to a URL that retrieves a wiki page from some wiki server, and tells the browser to transform all links to WikiNames on that server into wiki: style URL's -- PhilipDorrell.

I like this idea. Servers should be linked by WikiAdministrators. Then any page that is not locally defined in Wiki, instead of showing a "?" at the end, wiki should first search for the same page on the configured servers. This means that if site A has site B as backup server, then site B should have site A as backup server too. The protocol could do this automatically.

Therefore when a site was added to a server, it would be added to a community of servers. The protocol should handle that ripple effect efficiently. Probably like RIP. This would be probably like reimplementing RIP on top of HTTP.

