Stumbling over RefactorTowardsTheCenterOfThePage in RandomPages I got the idea of formulating a typologie of kinds of WikiMess.
WikiMess is the generic term for disorder in a wiki.
- WikiChaos - total disorder of all wiki
- RefactorTowardsTheCenterOfThePage - about handling pages grows old and large and unwieldy because being commented on on top and bottom.
- SurfaceRefactoring - about handling pages with multiple blocks of content probably each in ThreadMode or even ThreadMess
- ThreadMess - runaway ThreadMode with disconnected subthreads running in all directions
- InterleavedParallelThreadMode - special case of ditto I guess
- IrrevocableThreadMode - stuck ThreadMode
Minor disorders like those needing RefactorByExtractingToPage, SplitByTopicNotByOpinion, MigrateInlineComment are covered by AcceptableRefactoring.
Dangerously complex, but no mess is NestedThreadMode.
See also AcceptableRefactoring, RefactorMe, EditHint