Wiki Markup Format

last modified: November 26, 2014

How might we express a Wiki Markup as a Format? - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141126

... Here begins a dialogue on WikiMarkupFormatting:

---Examples One

Could italics formatting take on one of the following forma:

It is in Creole:

//This is in italics//

Recommended XHTML:
<em>this is in italics</em>

It is in this wiki:

This is in italics

It is in html: <i>This is in italics</i>

Could bold formatting take on one of the following forma:

It is in Creole:

**This is in bold** 
Recommended XHTML:
<strong>This is in bold</strong> 

It is in this wiki:

This is in bold

It is in html:

<strong>This is in bold</strong>

Could a heading format take on one of the following forma:

It is in this wiki: (approx)

This is in heading7

It is in html:

<p class="h7">This is in heading7</p>
.h7{ font-size: 8px;},

see: WikiMarkupType WikiMarkupValue WikiMarkupLanguage MarkupLanguage AlternativeTextFormattingRules WikiDesignPrinciples WikiCreole

CategoryOrganization CategoryWikiEditing
