DomainsWiki ( where Domain Based Realnames with backlinks from the owner's URLs are used for authentication )
Film on WikiPedia
- http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Film -- the categories are large and growing
InformationArchitecture -- see IaWikiDotNet http://www.IAwiki.net/
JayLanguageWiki (written in and for the JayLanguage)
- Do you mean, "learning what's different about GNU/Linux compared to other UNIX-like systems"? Or do you mean, "Learning about the UNIX way of doing things, as demonstrated by Linux?"
- I'd say, both, plus: learning how to check out linux without any installation ...
- http://perlmonks.org/ uses the EverythingEngine, a wiki-like engine
Literature Wiki
- Please see http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Mathematics if you want to write encyclopedia-type stuff
- http://www.mathcircle.org/cgi-bin/mathwiki.pl (BrokenLink, 2008/07/31)
ScienceFictionWikiForum (for a giant potential of ScienceFiction stuff and discussions)
- There is one hosted by Bo Leuf: http://leuf.net/cgi/wikisf?LeufSfForum Bo Leuf, is there any chance of you and Ward sorting the interwiki bottom-of-the-page icons between this science fiction site and c2.com??
AgileCeePlusPlusWiki for focusing on the application of AgileProgramming techniques to C++-centric environments?
VideoGameWiki for examining videogame strategies for specific games and for looking at games based on many qualities not just how recent or flashy they are
Political Wiki
How often have you looked into the list of PublicWikiForums, being frustrated not to find the forum of your interest. If you don't want to create your own WikiForum by installing your own WikiEngine or opening your own forum on a WikiFarm, put your wish here.
- IdeasForDesignImprovementWiki. Could have sub categories, such as:
- Consumer Electronics
- Computer Hardware
- Computer Software
- Software User Manuals
- Computer Peripherals and Accessories
- Automotive
- etc.
- This Wiki would be for explanation of deficiencies AND specific suggestions for improvement.
And how about:
- RequestsForDesignImprovementWike.
- This Wiki would be for explanation of deficiencies where no solutions have yet been devised.
I want to find a hosting site for wikis, where I can create my own private wikis which I would share with a defined, limited membership- for example to collaboratively write a book.
If you find an existing forum in the wish-list (having created one yourself or created by someone else), please announce it in PublicWikiForums (and delete the resp. entry here). Thank you.
Also check out WikiIndex:WikiIndex for a wiki to cultivate - http://wikiindex.com