Wiki Explorer

last modified: January 27, 2005

WikiExplorer - Hier@Wiki by AndreasKirschner

The hierarchical wiki.

A WikiEngine that is not based on links within a page to another, but structures its pages within a hierarchy, similar as in ordinary file explorers.

Features include versioning, text formatting rules, attachment upload (images embeddable into the wiki page).



on its use

As suggested by its name, WikiExplorer is a mixture between both a Wiki and the usual file explorer as we know 'em. From the Wiki concept it borrows the easy online editing of texts with the usual TextFormattingRules (except CamelCase or other quick interlinks as you realise). From the file explorer/browser it borrows the typical hierarchical structure of files and folders. This gives this application a kind of technical touch in using whereas the common Wiki tries to convey the wholeness of a typical website, often regarded too flat concerning its structure of documents found in it. WikiZen (people actively using Wikis) may not find this as disadvantage. In contrary, they argue, it is exactly this flat structure with links anywhere in the page to other related pages that makes Wiki an enjoyable, readable experience. Thus, it is of no surprise that this aforementioned technical touch to the WikiExplorer prevents the user from rambling around in this Wiki, the hierarchical concept invites one more to quickly jump to specific pages just like finding specific files on one's harddrive. -- DA

CategoryWikiImplementation, CategoryWikiNavigation
