Wiki Engine Review Wards Original Wiki One

last modified: May 17, 2002

Review of WardsOriginalWikiEngine (WikiWikiWeb engine), major version 1

The PortlandPatternRepository runs on major version 1 of WikiWikiWeb (wiki). Minor versions are released to production without further numbering. I could provide a script that reports the build date of the in production version if readers here would find that useful. TheWikiWay will distribute version 4.1 on cdrom under an open source license. -- WardCunningham

Adding Attributes

Please use the same attributes and the same sequence of attributes in each review. If you add an attribute to one review, please consider adding it at the same location in each review, the WikiEngineReviewTemplate and the WikiEngineReviewTemplateAnnotated.

Reviews of New Releases

Please maintain separate reviews for each version of each WikiEngine. The intent is to maintain reviews of old versions of software that might still be in use on a WikiFarm or on a specific WikiSite. See WikiEngineReviewNewRelease for the recommended approach.


See WikiEngineReview, WikiEngineReviewNotes, and WikiEngineReviewTemplateAnnotated for notes and discussion about these reviews and wikis in general.


The PortlandPatternRepository runs on major version 1 of WikiWikiWeb (wiki). Minor versions are released to production without further numbering. I could provide a script that reports the build date of the in production version if readers here would find that useful. TheWikiWay will distribute version 4.1 on cdrom under an open source license. -- WardCunningham


I have not found a link to get the exact version used on WardsWiki.

A version similar to the version running WardsWiki, but minus a few features (diffs and spell checker) is written in HyperPerl (wow! -- "a wiki-literate programming system that you will like"), see Although it is labeled as the property of Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc., Ward has made the comment "It is my intention to distribute this as some variation of freeware as soon as I find and understand appropriate notices. -- WardCunningham" -- see



(I should write this more clearly, and describe the mechanism more clearly. If I'm not mistaken, whenever an editor starts to edit a page, something records the version (number) he is editing. When he goes to save, if the current version is still the version he started from, his save is allowed. If someone has saved in the meantime, the current version will not match the version he started his editing from, and his save will not be allowed. After I'm a little more certain this is correct, I will rewrite this section.)



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