Wiki Engine Review Suggestions

last modified: July 24, 2004

Edited again on 2000-10-12 - moved some suggestions from below email, added some suggestions frankly based on AskSam features (like tagging, groups, fields, import and export of tagged records, storage as individual files to support search by another engine (also covered elsewhere)):

These are just some very rough reminders of suggestions I want to flesh out, maybe later today (11/26/00). All or some of these features might already be implemented in some wikis.

Aside: If we try to provide fields, should we use the AskSam syntax (<fieldname>[ <fieldcontents>]) or revise it somewhat, possibly adding the capability (in wikis that support (limited) HTML markup, to make all or some fields hidden? The angle brackets in the syntax description above are just to "delimit" the fieldname and fieldcontents, and are "metacharacters". To hide fields, we might surround the field in "real" angle brackets.

I know, I get carried away sometimes. With respect to the last option, an alternate is that "requestors of notification" be reminded that an editor might make several interim revisions - don't "jump" on the first notice, wait a few hours and then check it out.

-- RandyKramer

What is AskSam? I would like to have a better way of sorting through the chaff. How about searching for every page that matches certain criteria, but having the pages sorted by date last changed?

No problem in AskSam.

And, if it is a problem, let me know what you are trying to do - AskSam is very capable, but had something of a learning curve when I first started using it 15 years ago.

Here is a link to a WikiPage on AskSam on the CLUG wiki. (Just to get you to the CLUG wiki.) It contains a link to the AskSam home page: (oops, don't know where that other link came from, clearly the wrong thing - this link may only be good for a short time as the CLUG is changing ISPs)

PS: AskSam is for Dos / Windows. ZyIndex is another useful product - more useful for indexing existing documents rather than creating and then finding "ad hoc" notes. Unfortunately, both products (AFAIK) are for Dos / Windows - looking for a Linux based replacement led me to wikis. -- RandyKramer

