Features I Want in a Wiki
This is a bulleted list of the features I'm looking for in a wiki.
To understand more about why or what I expect to accomplish with a wiki, see:
- WikiEngineReviewRhkObjectives
- WikiEngineReviewRhkCriteriaDiscussion (My motivation for a previous version of these requirements and SunirShah's comments have been moved there.)
To see some suggestions for extensions to WikiEngines, see:
(That page expands on some of the features listed here -- I think you need to read it to get the full flavor of what I'm looking for.)
I recognize that it is very likely I won't find a WikiEngine that meets all of these requirements. That's OK -- then I'll try to pick the one that fits the set of needs that I consider most important.
Requirements List
Easy for a newbie to install in Linux (or Windows)
Good performance with 100,000 pages (may require a database)
No proprietary software required (low cost)
Open source or freeware (so I can consider modifications)
Excellent means of finding information:
- Page lists and indexes
- Possible hierarchical organization
- Ability to be indexed by Web search engines (perhaps selectable)
- Full text search including words, wild cards, phrases, boolean, within x
Alternates to finding a WikiEngine with the search capabilities listed above could include using a separate search engine with a wiki that stores each topic in a separate file or finding a wiki that uses a database with those search capabilities. See WikiEngineReviewAlternateSearchDiscussion(?).
The ability to group pages for operations like application of password protection, email notification, import, export, translation
Subpages or other means of organizing pages in a hierarchy
Email notification of changes on selected pages (or groups)
- Snapshots of most revisions, and associated rollback and diff capability, but provide a secure means of deleting snapshots to preserve the WikiNature of forgetting mistakes
- No embedded HTML
- Password protection on editing of selected pages (or groups)
Easy to read diff format
Re Diffs: If a system is accepted that stores snapshots of only the last revision by each author, a means must exist to declare a new baseline for the diff. (The problem I'm trying to address is the one, for example, where only one person modifies a particular page (or a private wiki). In that case, the diff just keeps growing and growing (like the Energizer Rabbit?) and becomes useless to highlight the most recent change.)
Maybe there is a workaround to the above if I create two separate identities for myself, and then edit pages alternately. (Maybe RandyKramerA and RandyKramerB.) I'm not sure what would be required -- am I identified on this wiki by a cookie? Would I need to edit from two different machines with different cookies? (A little cumbersome, at least. I'm more curious than serious.)
Enhanced WikiNames including numbers and adjacent capital letters (even all caps for acronyms)
InterWiki links
Import / export capabilities (for private backup, offline editing, and to support mirroring)
Display original Wiki text formatting rules
Translators available (for translation between wiki formatting markups)
Editing support for mirroring
Editing contention resolution
A clean display to help readers and editors
Improvements to navigation
- Ability to bookmark one or more pages to easily move between them (especially for editing)
- ??
Hidden text
Global search and replace (or similar tools) to support things like renaming of pages. Possible alternatives:
- Each page in a separate text file -- tools like SED, Awk
- Pages stored in a common text file, possibly indexed -- editors with search and replace capability that can handle large files
- Pages stored in a relational data base (MySQL, msql, etc.) -- ??
-- RandyKramer
Notes I put on another wiki, may reflect the beginning of a prioritization:
New Comments: What I want in a wiki: (See my WikiEngineReview at http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngineReview, which is rough and unfinished)
Here I try to list the things I most want (essentials):
- Easy to install (on SourceForge)
- History (more than last edit by previous author)
- Diffs (MSWord style would be nicest)
- Easy import / export
- Easy backup / restore
- Pages and history deletable
- Change notification by Email, per page (or group of pages) (pages might be grouped by Topic, Category, or "EmailGroup")
- At least three levels of headings (beyond emphasis)
- Customizable templates (by administrator -- I guess they all are)
- Lists (bulleted and numbered, nested)
Nice to have:
- Global editing (to facilitate, for example, page name changes)
- Page locking or password protection
- Vastly improved search capability, including phrase, boolean, proximity (within x) -- might be achieved by an external search engine like htDig, with robots.txt limits on which engines can index.
- WikiNames with numbers, all caps
This is in addition to what I consider the standard features of a wiki, not listed here.