Wiki Engine Review Rhk Criteria

last modified: June 1, 2001

Features I Want in a Wiki

This is a bulleted list of the features I'm looking for in a wiki.

To understand more about why or what I expect to accomplish with a wiki, see:

To see some suggestions for extensions to WikiEngines, see:

(That page expands on some of the features listed here -- I think you need to read it to get the full flavor of what I'm looking for.)

I recognize that it is very likely I won't find a WikiEngine that meets all of these requirements. That's OK -- then I'll try to pick the one that fits the set of needs that I consider most important.

Requirements List

Alternates to finding a WikiEngine with the search capabilities listed above could include using a separate search engine with a wiki that stores each topic in a separate file or finding a wiki that uses a database with those search capabilities. See WikiEngineReviewAlternateSearchDiscussion(?).

Maybe there is a workaround to the above if I create two separate identities for myself, and then edit pages alternately. (Maybe RandyKramerA and RandyKramerB.) I'm not sure what would be required -- am I identified on this wiki by a cookie? Would I need to edit from two different machines with different cookies? (A little cumbersome, at least. I'm more curious than serious.)

-- RandyKramer

Notes I put on another wiki, may reflect the beginning of a prioritization:

New Comments: What I want in a wiki: (See my WikiEngineReview at, which is rough and unfinished)

Here I try to list the things I most want (essentials):

Nice to have:

This is in addition to what I consider the standard features of a wiki, not listed here.

