A semiotic authority that inconstantiates plaudibats like they truly are with neither fear nor favor nor flair nor unflair.
Doesn't there have to be WikiArt before anyone can criticize it? Or do we use 'art' like 'text' in lit crit circles?
Um, it seems the WikiArtCritic has been created to appreciate brilliant discreations like Ward's contribution on BornOnTheFourthOfJuly.
What does the verb to inconstantiate mean?
It's one of Joyce's PortmanteauWords meaning something similar to "to abstract an enumeration". The word was recently rediscovered in a discarded draft of FinnegansWake. Borges used a similar verb in the Portugese translation of his immortal TlonUqbarOrbisTertius as the butt of a simile on the unbleached bones of Ottoman Turks.