WiLiKi is a wiki engine written in scheme using the Gauche Scheme system. Gauche scheme emphasises that it is an script engine. WiLiKi also has Unicode compilance which allows it's content to be in multiple languages. WiLiKi is run as a cgi script that uses the gauche scheme system. A directory that is non web accessable contains the database. WiLiKi uses a dbm style database, it can use either dbm, gdbm, ndbm, or fsdbm (file system based dbm). It also includes rss support, the rss outputed follows the 1.0 specification. On community scheme wiki we use a patched version of WiLiKi called tekili. Information about it can be found at http://community.schemewiki.org/?tekili . To download tekili it is managed in a darcs repository at http://fifalde.merseine.nu/darcs/tekili/ . (r2q2)
Wi Li Ki
last modified: September 5, 2006