Who Is Using Xp For Commercial Development

last modified: November 22, 2004

Please put yourself down here if you are using ExtemeProgramming for commercial software development. I'd also like to hear some experiences. Were there places that XP needed to be pushed or pulled, modifications to the basic concepts, etc? How was the interface with QA, Product Management, Project Management, Product Marketing, Marketing Communications, Technical Publications?

The biggest challenge is the customer side of the team is more diverse--sales engineers want features to close deals, marketing wants different features for strategic positioning, customer support wants bugs fixed and different features added to reduce phone calls, professional services and engineering come up with cool new features no customer has asked for (yet). The customer side, therefore, requires a greater proportion of the resources of the team than in a bespoke software situation. On the other hand, there has to be some process by which you decide what to do and what not to do, and XP's social structure provides plenty of opportunities for exercising such a process.

Is this speculation or based on experience delivering a commercial product using XP?

See CompaniesDoingXp, ColoradoSpringsXpCompanies, ExtremeProgrammingApplied, ExtremeProgrammingInstalled

CategoryExtremeProgramming, CategoryWhoIsUsing
