Colorado Springs Xp Companies

last modified: November 24, 2014

These are the companies doing XP in ColoradoSprings, Colorado.


If you see a ColoradoSprings company in the CompaniesDoingXp list, put it in this page.

Further Guidance

Practices are a great thing to share and MichaelFinney loves to see them. However, the question of whether a company is XP or not based on what practices are done has been raised. by Chet Hendrickson suggests that the best way to decide whether or not a project is an XpProject is by looking to see how the project supports the values of communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. With all due respect to Chet, MichaelFinney would agree except that values are too vague to use as a measuring device. That is why KentBeck introduced the XP principles to help. See

Discussion about this page

(No companies so far. This is pitiful.) -- not True anymore as of Oct. 17, 2001

Is Colorado Springs big enough to merit its own page of XpCompanies? Maybe this page should be merged into the Denver XP page.' -- ChrisBaugh

Yes, it deserves its own page. -- MichaelFinney

Is the CassattCorporation still doing XP?

Cassatt is doing TDD still (Dec 2005). Who knows about the other practices?

Used to do XP

See also:
