Well, lets see the list. Who is currently using XP in Denver?
* Agile Objectives, LLC
- BespokeTechnologies, Inc. - no longer in business
- bivio Software, Inc. ( see http://www.bivio.biz )
- BoldTechSystems
- Cyber Reality, Inc. ( see http://www.cyber-reality.com )
- Denver Data Systems, Inc. ( see http://www.denverdata.com )
- Facilitator4Hire (FacilitatorFourHire)
- Fowler Software Design LLC ( see http://www.fowlersoftware.com )
- Magpie Telecom Insiders, Inc. ( see http://www.magpieti.com )
- Rally Software Development Corp. (http://rallydev.com?src=denverxp)
- Qwest, http://www.qwest.com
- ReleaseTEAM, http://www.releaseteam.com
- Symplified,Inc ( see http://symplified.com)
- Tensegrent, LLC http://www.tensegrent.com
- Virtuas Solutions http://www.virtuas.com
- Vision Development Group http://www.visiondevelopmentgroup.com
* Visual Integrator Consulting http://www.visualintegrator.com
- WinfieldAllenInc - No longer in business
- Zeotek, Inc., http://www.zeotek-inc.com
- Decisive Tools (http://www.decisivetools.com)
What DenverArea individuals or companies have previous experience with using XP?
- AdamSCartwright
- AlexViggio
- BenCarey
- DralaSoftware
- GtAlliance
- Level 3 - an attempt was made to introduce XP when I was there a couple of years ago, no idea if the practice survived.
- MichaelFinney
- PeterProvost
- Rally Software Development Corp. (http://rallydev.com?src=denverxp)
- ServiceMagic
- StorageTek
- ValTech
- Virtuas Solutions http://www.virtuas.com
- Zeotek, Inc., http://www.zeotek-inc.com
See XpDenver, CsXpCompanies, CompaniesDoingXp, and XpJobs.