What We Wanted All Along

last modified: September 22, 2005

Unfortunately, we can't see the future. And the ones of us that can probably downplay it as mere coincidence. WhatWeWantedAllAlong is what we rejected in the first place. Only now that we know what it is, we are able to have a better appreciation for it.

Case in point: How many ProgrammingLanguages duplicate features of SmallTalk in some way? I've been through a couple of them and recently having moved back to SmallTalk, I can say that it, more or less, is what I wanted in the first place.

If what you want is Smalltalk, wonderful! Use Smalltalk. It's a fine language.

OTOH, it's rude to insist that what we (meaning the programming community as a whole) want ought to be Smalltalk as well; many of us have very good reasons (besides "the boss said no") for choosing something else. Even something that might be clearly inferior in some important fashion.

(This also applies to Lisp, etc.)

See also: StopLooking
