As a distinction:
- The mutual interrelationship of two or more creatures in order to create a more complex creature. Hence:
- two or more soccer hooligans
- several million slime-mold protozoans
- WardsWiki and many other intentional systems ...
- The many kinds of DefinitionOfLove.
Naturally some loves are greater, deeper, or what have you, than others ...
Indeed - wood and glue hardly have a relationship worth noting. And what about the kind of love between friends, or is that not possible, as far as you are concerned?
Wood and glue being rather simple creatures, their love isn't very complicated. Between friends, sure, what's the problem?
What does it create? And don't just say a friendly pair - a bitter rivalry is a relationship that creates a more complicated pair than there would otherwise be, but hardly counts as love.
I'm put in mind of KurtVonnegut's wonderful plea - "Please, a little less love and a little more common decency". Or again "Love may fail but simple politeness will carry the day."
WhatIsLove is also that song those club-hopping guys from SaturdayNightLive are always jerking rhythmically to.
See also: