Web Services Interoperability Organization

last modified: June 22, 2005

WebServicesInteroperabilityOrganization is an industry group concerned with getting WebServices to work in real life situations. It is not a standard setting organization, as much as a mechanism for promotion of the use of WebServices

Commonly known as WS-I, their membership can be viewed at http://www.ws-i.org/community/members.aspx

The organization deliverables are in implementation profiles, sample applications, and testing tools.

Founded by IbmCorporation and MicrosoftCorporation ?and BEA, it has listed as members other Organizations such as ObjectManagementGroup, and even competitors like Oracle and Sun.

'Things changed much since 2002?

It was said then "the organization's current bylaws, an unelected cadre of players sets the agenda." And the article at http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2876625,00.html went on to question the organizations ability to ensure "standards get applied and are judged on an impartial basis".

Important outcomes from the works of WS-I

The profiles narrow implementation options down to promote interoperability.

