The OWL Web Ontology Language is designed for use by applications that need to process the content of information instead of just presenting information to humans. OWL facilitates greater machine readability of Web content than that supported by ExtensibleMarkupLanguage (XML), ResourceDescriptionFramework (RDF), and RdfSchema (RDFS) by providing additional vocabulary along with a formal semantics.
ExcuseMe, Earle. Let me ApologizeFirst for disturbing the harmony of this page that you last edited and created 1.5 years ago. Can you, or someone else having interests in SemanticWeb, tell me what relationship exists between OWL and "Ontology Markup Language" (see and BrokenLink 200071212). Also I am interested in how OWL can be described as a VocabularyExtension to RDF (see -- dl Dec2004
OntoClean provides a discussion of metaproperties for the building of ontology in languages such as OWL.
See SemanticWebLayerCake for a discussion of how WebOntologyLanguage relates to RDF and XML.
CategoryXml CategorySemanticWeb