Walt Rorie Baety

last modified: May 20, 2010

I'm interested in programming languages.

I'm especially interested in powerful languages, large and small like ForthLanguage, HaskellLanguage, IoLanguage, LuaLanguage, LispLanguage, KLanguage, et al. I've used many others, including FortranLanguage, IconLanguage (thank you, University of Arizona!), PascalLanguage, PythonLanguage, and of course, the unavoidable CeeLanguage and JavaLanguage.

Background: I've had a few years (25+ yikes!) as a programmer and electronics tech.

My programming-based blog is http://effing-ineffables.blogspot.com/ and I spend most of my free time lurking on the #haskell channel (as BMeph) on Freenode.

Hi Walt those languages suck try RubyLanguage, and try TestDrivenDevelopment (UofA doubtless taught you all about that) - aaaaand you forgot a .net or .biz or something on your domain! --PhlIp

Thanks, PhlIp, but I've tried Ruby before, and no offense meant to Matz' amazingly good work in such a short time, but...I'm not impressed. Also, I'm surprised that a RubyLanguage advocate like yourself would be so rude to just declare "those languages suck" for seemingly no better reason than that those languages aren't Ruby. Maybe in the next decade, I'll give it a try.

Also, TDD doesn't impress me either - but then, as a HaskellLanguage fan, that shouldn't be a surprise. -- WaltRorieBaety

