Vm Ware

last modified: April 18, 2009

Virtual machine software: http://www.vmware.com

from the web site...

VMware is the first application to liberate the PC from the restriction of being able to run only one session on one operating system on one machine. The company's patent-pending virtual machine technology is a thin software layer that allows users to:

This is an example implementation of a VirtualComputer.

News and Developments

Aug05 VMware Opens Up Virtualization at http://www.redmondmag.com/news/article.asp?EditorialsID=6855

There was a CommodoreSixtyFour kernel hack, many many winters ago, that did this; it produced 3 concurrent OS sessions, each with 21.3 KB of memory... --PCP

My favorite feature is the ability to not commit the disk log. I can load NT 4 in a VM, install software, muck about, etc., then close the app without restarting, and finally throw away the disk log. The next time I start NT 4, it's still new, as it was originally. Very nice for testing. VMWare 2.0 is out, and is supposed to be faster. - ScottMeilicke 3/27/2000

An article describing the use of this product can be found at http://www.ftponline.com/vsm/2003_04_BG/magazine/features/edchoice/default_pf.aspx

Another article, " Virtual Machines & VMware, Part I", can be seen at http://www.extremetech.com/print_article2/0,2533,a=20455,00.asp

See MsVirtualPc for comparison

As VMware is becoming more and more popular, data centers are using automated solutions like PlateSpin (http://www.platespin.com) to perform fully automated physical to virtual conversions.

Yeah, well where can one find a virtual to physical conversion? Cause I'm not sure installing Linux on a raw partition and then installing a bootloader on the HD will do it. And why can't VMWare make use of a pre-existing OS installation anyways?

It's because VMware or VPC emulates a specific hardware platform. So if your machine has very different real hardware, the installation you make under one set of hardware won't work with the other. There's more though since VMWare translates software that's installed on it so it literally can't run outside of VMWare.

I installed Win2000 in VMware under Linux on a raw disk partition. It runs OK. But when booting in the real world, it crashed in the very beginning.

from another person... Any comments on whether patches (e.g. security updates) are expected to work "as intended" under a VmWare or VPC environment?

