- Something that allows collaboratively-edited drawing
- Wiki that talk about visual stuff.
Something that allows collaboratively-edited drawing, similar to the way a WikiEngine allows collaboratively-edited text.
Currently completely hypothetical.
Some discussion about the idea at:
- http://wikifeatures.wiki.taoriver.net/moin.cgi/WikiWhiteboard
- http://visual.wiki.taoriver.net/moin.cgi/VisuallyOrientedWiki
A VisualWiki here:
Requires JavaScript.
(This seems offline today -- 2004-05-23. What's it supposed to look like ?)
I guess it's a 404. Offline now: June 8, 2004, 11:48 GMT.
Seems like it's out for the count- page returned the usual lost domain search engine content. September 23, 2005
Wiki that talk about visual stuff
- The Visual Language wiki http://visual.wiki.taoriver.net/
- Open Clip Art Library Wiki http://clipart.freedesktop.org/
- the SVG wiki http://www.protocol7.com/svg-wiki/ow.asp
The Visual Language wiki at http://visual.wiki.taoriver.net/ does not require JavaScript.
It's a normal (MoinMoin) Wiki that talks *about* visual language.
I'd like to move it to a WikiEngine that allows collaboratively-edited drawing.