Virtualization is all around us, and is taking the place of the Real-Thing -- ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110620 20110704
Slowly, surely and inevitably this transformation is taking place. Things that were Real, Cumbersome, Costly, Inconvenient, and Uncomfortable are being restructured in Personification, Placement, and in Representation.
Where this model is already employed:
TrainingModels for Operation and Execution
- Training for operators
- Pilot training in VirtualFlightSimulator
- Engineers training in VirtualRailroading
- Training for Army, Air and Naval Engagement
- VirtualEquipment and VirtualScenarios for Military Personnel
SubstitutionModels -- Durable Convenient Presentation and Execution
- QueueModel Used
- Drive-Up Convenience-Food OrderModel and DeliveryModel
- Banking by Automated Tellers
- Virtualizes the Bank Counter at the car window
ExtensionModels -- Outside Normal or Present Structures and Procedures
- Revisions due to improvement over Former Limits ( Distance, Speed, Size, and Range )
- Removal of Operability and Data upon Compromise (When outside of friendly, protective custody (SecurityByDestruction))
- Every operational step and data acquisition and/or data output completed as a unit (each unit completed within a given time)
- Electronic/Physical Disabling (SelfImposedVirus/Burnout/Destruction)
- Addition of Enhancements due to hardware and infrastructure improvements
- Separation and Delegation of tasks between units meant to operate together (SwarmsAndTags)
- Some tasks carried out in AutonomousMode with Failure causing ReportToHome, Swarm, or Default Strategy
VirtualModels for fun or profit
- VirtualAdventure - games instead of real adventures
- VirtualSports - games instead of real live sports
- VirtualFantasy - games insead of (live) role playing
- VirtualSimulation - games insead of enterpreneuship (I guess this is subsumed by TrainingModels
- VirtualReenactments - GameSoftware where the scenario the game displays is a "Reconstruction of what happened, where it happened", as in a military unit's encounters during the invasion at Normandy in World War II, or of a physical site and events as they might have occured at a crime scene (replacing a visit to the scene or preceding a visit of it) for a jury in a trial.
Where this model is PlannedForUse or more widely becoming useful
- GpsTagModels - tagging of Brick and Mortar Businesses and Establishments
- Internet SearchAndMapModels
- VirtualSigns
- VirtualStores
- Online-Shopping
- AdvancedComputerGamingScenarios
How is a "virtual model" different from a "real model"? "Virtual" seems superfluous.
- they are adjectives modifying nouns. while the first may be visualized on a computer monitor, the second might be made of plastic, plaster, wood, or other such substance.
- to me that makes a difference worth specifying