Virtual Models

last modified: December 4, 2014

Virtualization is all around us, and is taking the place of the Real-Thing -- ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110620 20110704

Slowly, surely and inevitably this transformation is taking place. Things that were Real, Cumbersome, Costly, Inconvenient, and Uncomfortable are being restructured in Personification, Placement, and in Representation.

Where this model is already employed:

TrainingModels for Operation and Execution

SubstitutionModels -- Durable Convenient Presentation and Execution

ExtensionModels -- Outside Normal or Present Structures and Procedures


VirtualModels for fun or profit

Where this model is PlannedForUse or more widely becoming useful


How is a "virtual model" different from a "real model"? "Virtual" seems superfluous.

CategoryFuture CategoryModels
