Info Posts

last modified: December 4, 2014

A travel scenario involving LocaleModels - Introduced over Three Years Before ItWorks ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.200904230845.201005190158.20131005.20140310

Imagine if you will the replacement for costly and scenery-hiding Advertising Billboards: By DigitalElectronicAdvertisers (HyperTags) transmitted so they can be displayed on your HandHeld or VehicleMounted InformationDevice instead. They would be called InfoPosts( in the form of slender transmitting poles or on towers, water tanks, tall lighting standards, at heights of from 20 to 100 feet, designed to broadcast a series of DigitalInformationTransmissionPackets of limited range (say 1 to 7 miles) which could be received, interpreted and displayed on Devices (hand and vehicle types). Instead of relying on outdated information in a GPS Map information Database, the local information could be contained in a transmission tied to the GeoCoordinates in proximity of the InfoPosts.

The data could be made via two media:

Example: (Making working example this morning 20091112):

The dual nature of this would allow out-of-range access to the information of InfoPosts beyond its broadcast range, before being encountered in a travel path.

They would have advantages of being inexpensive, networked, replaceable, remotely updated and thus easily maintained, while remaining unobtrusive, not detracting from existing and natural surroundings.

They could also have another means of access, via a messaging cellular telephone module and/or limited range Rf transmission. The posts could also have second and third functions such as relaying camera information from one camera, or a named group of cameras, and to provide WeatherInformation. (temp, barometric, wind dir and speed, relative humidity and solar intensity (brightness). The posts could be designed to serve simple advertising functions only or include enhanced functions, depending on provider or location. Update.20140310:

Update.20110322 & 20120126:


Cynical View

CategoryOrganization CategoryProject CategoryHeterogeneousCommunication CategoryModels
