A travel scenario involving LocaleModels - Introduced over Three Years Before ItWorks ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.200904230845.201005190158.20131005.20140310
Imagine if you will the replacement for costly and scenery-hiding Advertising Billboards: By DigitalElectronicAdvertisers (HyperTags) transmitted so they can be displayed on your HandHeld or VehicleMounted InformationDevice instead. They would be called InfoPosts( in the form of slender transmitting poles or on towers, water tanks, tall lighting standards, at heights of from 20 to 100 feet, designed to broadcast a series of DigitalInformationTransmissionPackets of limited range (say 1 to 7 miles) which could be received, interpreted and displayed on Devices (hand and vehicle types). Instead of relying on outdated information in a GPS Map information Database, the local information could be contained in a transmission tied to the GeoCoordinates in proximity of the InfoPosts.
The data could be made via two media:
- once via radio frequencies
- secondarily via LocalePages on the Internet being mapped to a
- NameOrTypeAndGeoCoordinate
- InfoPost at a LatLong:
- NorthOrSouth Degrees.decimalDegrees]
- EastOrWest Degrees.decimalDegrees]
- InfoPost at a LatLong:
- Enlarged Map
- World War I National Museum
- NameOrTypeAndGeoCoordinate
Example: (Making working example this morning 20091112):
- InfoPosts at Union Station, Kansas City, Missouri
- This page allows enlargement, expansion and relocation of map center along with the other things the Google portion of the page provides.
The dual nature of this would allow out-of-range access to the information of InfoPosts beyond its broadcast range, before being encountered in a travel path.
They would have advantages of being inexpensive, networked, replaceable, remotely updated and thus easily maintained, while remaining unobtrusive, not detracting from existing and natural surroundings.
They could also have another means of access, via a messaging cellular telephone module and/or limited range Rf transmission. The posts could also have second and third functions such as relaying camera information from one camera, or a named group of cameras, and to provide WeatherInformation. (temp, barometric, wind dir and speed, relative humidity and solar intensity (brightness). The posts could be designed to serve simple advertising functions only or include enhanced functions, depending on provider or location. Update.20140310:
- Here are a few apps which use the idea of InfoPosts:
Update.20110322 & 20120126:
- The physical part of the above scenario, (the placement of transmitters on water tanks, etc. has become possible by technology as a component (SixMileWiFi), or via rapidly developing 4G technology, and the increasingly national and complete geographical coverage planned for the same. The InfoPosts can be included as a Virtual Post on a Map, accessed via WiFi or 4G technology.
- This is already possible in many areas, as demonstrated to me in a test conducted in a journey from near Columbus, Ohio to Lees Summit, Missouri that I took with my brother, StephenNoyes in March TwoYearsAgo 2011.
- We employed two Internet Sites, Skype and Glympse, He used an air-card and a laptop computer and I used MultipleMonitors, one for the windshield view from Skype and the other for the overhead view from Glympse.
- We found except for 4 or 5 short periods, we were able to stay in touch, I became a VirtualPassenger in his car, looking through the windshield at the passing scenery, while also being able to trace our traverse on Glympse, where I could zoom in and out in the satellite mode as if I were above us, viewing the small triangle representing his vehicle location, and seeing it from whatever altitude (map scaling) desired.
- Google applies part of notion introduced by InfoPosts, by applying 3D Photos to the interiors of businesses, and the use of LatLong to geographically organize them.
- This makes "what it looks like inside", to go with their already "what it looks like outside" with StreetView and Google Earth
- http://googlesmb.blogspot.com/2012/01/welcome-customers-into-your-business-on.html
- What is inside:
- Inside the building with navigation similar to street view, except interior and limited http://maps.google.com/help/maps/businessphotos/index.html
- 360 video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy3GWVSPQkk&feature=player_embedded
- What comes next? Implementations by Google? Microsoft? Cisco? - (extending the reach, using the device in your own hands with but TwoThumbs:)
- Localized Businesses (having LatLong Ids suffixed to their Identification Name) and the WiFi Brochures, Wifi Menus, WiFi Ads and associated WiFi Discount Coupons (issued with a RunTime CouponConfirmationNumber) and whatever else you can do, eat, buy or how you can rest, swim, sleep, entertain, site-see, available with SixMileWiFi that makes a BigHotSpot usable publicly via the WiFi or Internet Connection, as one of hundreds of thousands of GeoCal InfoPosts.
- Type in your question or interest, (what you want), then show (where you will be LatLong) (when you want it (DateTimeStamp of DateTimeInterval)), and you will be able to tune in to the same information as will be available from the LatLong SixMileWiFi or extended BigHotSpot, even if you are separated by both Distance and DateTime from the locale.
- This makes "what it looks like inside", to go with their already "what it looks like outside" with StreetView and Google Earth
- Updates
- 20140413: MicroInfoPosts
Cynical View
- ''This has a scary ring of reality to it, only it won't be received on handhelds or GPS systems, it will be received and displayed in your windshield. As has already been achieved, where one views and interacts with a computer screen that is displayed transparently in a portion of the windshield of a car. I can see it now, especially in these times of corporate ruled, and corporate fouled economy:
- "Welcome to the Acme River Bridge, paid for and maintained by Ford Motors Inc. Please test-drive a new Ford X3-Hydrodrive GT today! Have a safe and enjoyable trip every time in a Ford! Ford Motors, taking over the world one car at a time. Ford, where we say "drive it, and when it brakes (and it will), just throw it away, and mortgage the house for another one!"
- Scary stuff, no way to turn it off, and no place to friggin hide from it!!!''
- really? You can walk or run with, or cycle with, or boat with, the hand or armband devices. (and in the future, the cap or eye-glass mounted devices [Google Glasses] ). Or if you prefer VirtualTravel, you could StayAtHome, go with ShakerBuiltTechnology, it being your option. You can ChooseYourWorld, it is not necessary that you be a victim and that you need to hide.
CategoryOrganization CategoryProject CategoryHeterogeneousCommunication CategoryModels