VintCerf, along with BobKahn and JonPostel, are the legit fathers of the Internet, based on the packet switching theory in LeonardKleinrock 1963 PhD thesis at MIT. Cerf's career is far too extensive to quote in detail here. But some snippets may do ...
Professional Memberships, Activities and Awards:
Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) (Member since 1967), (Fellow 1993)
ACM SIGCOMM (Member, since 1973), (Chairman 1987 - 1991)
ACM LA-SIGART (Member 1967 - 1972), (Chairman, 1968 - 1969)
ACM National Lecturer (1979 - 1980)
ACM Systems Software Award (for TCP/IP with R. E. Kahn), 1992
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Fellow 1990
American Association for the Arts and Sciences, Fellow 1995
Sigma Xi (Member 1972 - Present)
IEEE (Member 1976, Senior Member 1980, Fellow 1988)
IEEE Communications Society (Chairman, Internet Advisory Committee, 1999 - )
IEEE Koji Kobayashi Award (for TCP/IP with R. E. Kahn), 1992
IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Award (for Internet, with R. E. Kahn), 1997
IFIP - Chairman, IFIP Working Group 6.1 (1972 - 1976)
Member IFIP Working Groups 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
Internet Architecture Board (Member 1985-1993), (Chairman 1989-1992)
Internet Society (Pioneer Member, since 1992), (Founding President 1992 - 1995), Board of Trustees (1992 - Present), (Vice President for Chapters 1997-1998), Chairman (1998-1999), (Founding Chairman, Internet Societal Task Force, March 1999-Sept 2000)
IPV6 Forum (Honorary Chairman, July 1999 - present)
Federal Newsmaker Award (Federal Computer Week, 1989)
Datamation Hall of Fame, 1989
Brain Mapping Panel, Institute of Medicine 1990-1991
Rubin I. Altizer Award, 1992
Collaboratory Panel, National Academy of Science, chair, 1992 - 1993
Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award, 1993
UNIFORUM Award, 1993
Dvorak Technology Award, 1993 (BBSCON)
Info World Technology Award, 1993 (on behalf of Internet Society)
NATO Science Subcommittee on Networking, Chairman 1994 - 1998
Networld/Interop Lifetime Achievement Award, 1994
PEOPLE Magazine, 25 Most Intriguing People of 1994, December 1994
National Academy of Engineering (Fellow, 1995)
Softquad/Rubinsky Award, 1995
Medal of the Ambassador of France, 1995
International Telecommunications Union Silver Medal, 1995
Industry Legend Award, Computer and Communications Industries Association, 1996
Computerworld/Smithsonian Leadership Award, 1996
Franklin Institute, Certificate of Merit, May 1996
Nippon Electronics Corporation Computers and Communications Award, 1996
ACM SIGCOMM Award, 1996
Internet Electronic Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award, 1997
National Medal of Technology, 1997
Member of the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee 1997-
University of the Balearic Islands, Ph.D. honoris causa, February 1998
Marconi Fellowship Award, April 1998
Washington Association of Science Award, May 1998
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf Medal, June 1998
Computer Reseller News/Computer Museum Hall of Fame, Nov 1998
Fellow, International Engineering Consortium, June 1999
George R. Stibitz Computer Award, September 1999
Werner Wolter Award, Intelevent, September 1999
Millennium Evening with President and Mrs. Clinton, October 1999
Living Legend Medal, Library of Congress, April 2000
E-map World Communications Lifetime Achievement Award, Monaco, Nov 2000
Charles Stark Draper Award (w/Kahn, Kleinrock, Roberts) Feb 2001
Andrew Saks Engineering Award, Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc, July 2001
Member of the Technical Advisory Boards of:
Blastoff! (June 2000 - January 2001) - out of business
Research Libraries Group (1988-1989)
Federal Networking Council (1990 - 1997)
General Magic, Inc. (1991 - 1992 )
IPVerse (1999 - present)
Bellcore (1992 - 1994) - acquired by SAIC
Cyras Systems (January 2000 - January 2001) - acquired by CIENA
CSI, Inc. (1992 - 1995) - acquired by IRE
IRE, Inc. (1997 - September 2000)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, September 2001 - present
Longitude Systems - (August 2000 - November 2001) - out of business
Metricom (May 2000 - July 2001) - out of business
MountWilson Council (March 2000 - present)
National Association of Securities Dealers (June 2000 - present)
Packet Design (June 2000 - present)
Tribune Entertainment Company ("Earth:Final Conflict" 1997- September 2000)
B2BS (was SmartAge) (1999 - July 2001) - out of business
FCC Technology Advisory Board (Jan 1999 - Jan 2001)
President's Information Technology Advisory Council (1997 - present)
Procket Networks (August 1999 - Present)
Streamcore (January 2000 - present)
US Institute of Peace (Jan 2000 - present)
Zero G Capital Fund (March 2000 - present)
Member of the Board of Directors:
2BNatural Inc. (April 2000 - Present)
AfriQ*Access, Inc (Oct 2000 - Present)
AVANEX (December 1999 - Present)
B2B Video Networks (April 2000 - Present)
CoSine Corporation (April 2000 - Present)
Endowment for Excellence in Education (1999 - Present)
Folger Shakespeare Library (September 2000 - Present)
FTP Software (1994 - 1998) - acquired
Gallaudet University (January 1997- Present)
Hynomics, Inc. (September 1998 - Present)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Sept 1999 - Present) (chairman Nov. 2000 - present)
Internet Policy Institute (November 1999 - 2001) - out of business
Internet Society (January 1992 - June 2001)
Interprophet (1998 - September 2000) - out of business
WorldCom Foundation (January 1999 - Present)
Nuance (December 1999 - Present)