Veteran Programmer

last modified: January 18, 2006

Don't you just love the way they CanReadHexDumps backward, scribble something on a five-year-old PostIt (no technophobe here), and tell you they'll have to "put up" the new version of their assembler subroutine (ML0QX1CL, they call it, clearly enunciating it as an unambiguous polysyllable, whilst it jumps and branches away in the other half of their brain), which never did find its way into the source management system...

Is there some purpose to this gratuitous ageism?

I think somebody confused VeteranProgrammer with BadProgrammer, either that or there was a very good reason for the name, and for it not being under source control.

Could also have been AntiExperience.

The old-timers are all bad VeteranProgrammers and the young 'uns are all bad GruntProgrammers. Tsk... GoodProgrammer help is just so hard to find these days.

Sometimes we turn into GrumpyOldProgrammer: (BrokenLink? 2006-01-19) and (terribly funny)

