Veri Pic

last modified: March 11, 2009

VeriPic, Inc. is an American company based in Santa Clara, CA in the heart of Silicon Valley. It was founded in 1994 by engineers who previously worked for Adobe Systems, Xerox and Symantec / Norton, and focuses on bringing patented digital imaging photographic software to the market.

VeriPic(R) has 3 main products. The VeriPic(R) Digital Photo Lab (TM), is a database-backed digital photo storage and retrieval system capable of searching a set of photos at blazing speeds. Typical search speed is 1 second for a search of a group of photos in databases containing over 1 million photos. The system is also capable of displaying over 200 thumbnails per second and full screen photos at a frame rate p to 10+ per second.

The VeriPic(R) Mug Shot System(TM) helps Police create photo lineups and randomize them so that they are more likely to hold up in court than manually generated photo lineups.

The VeriPic(R) Barcode System(TM) helps Police manage physical evidence with the accuracy of barcodes.

VeriPic(R) recently (January 2009) received it's forth issued patent. The combination of patented technology and high performance engineering staff makes VeriPic(R) the leading provider of photo and barcode software to Police Departments.

VeriPic has a larger installed base of customers than all of its competitors combined and its installed base is roughly three times the size of its nearest rival. VeriPic's address is 2360 Walsh Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051.
