We all want the same thing - UtopiaNow. We all want pages to be OnSignal where they're not OnTopic, with a minimum of ThreadMess and a maximum of courtesy. It's not that hard. And we can have it - if we're willing to create it. The method is BleedingObvious:
HowToReactToaFlame: Don't tolerate it. Don't defend yourself from it. Don't attack the flamer. Just delete it wherever you see it. Zero tolerance. It works for RK. It will work for you.
TolerateOffTopic. Let the children play. Someone wants to write a page on boogers or atheism, you just let 'em. They're only doing it because of your reaction. Don't pay 'em any mind and they'll try to do something else. Maybe even MakeSignalNotNoise. To help this along let's have FilteredRecentChanges. [It is also important to consider that misunderstanding can be the cause of many disputes, as in the case of the harmless atheism page. The Author had quietly created that page, and the community tolerated it well, and contributed. If anyone had bothered to listen to the author, like some of us did, then it would have been very clear that he meant no harm. But, all it took was one individual that harbored a prejudice to cause this wiki tremendous grief for a very long time. I admonish all of those who are so stubborn that they care not for the health of wiki, but only of their own selfishness.]
Don't police Wiki. There are no WikiPolice here. If you feel like becoming one, be aware that everyone who's tried to fill this role since the very start of the WikiNow has failed. Miserably. The job is so horrible, so fraught with noise and anger, and so time-consuming that you're absolutely guaranteed to fail before you start. Don't get into EditWars or FlameWars or DeleteWar. Don't troll easy targets. Don't try to change other peoples' behavior at all. Because you can't. You'll just create friction and generate noise. ToFightEvilWorkOnTheGood. See also GoodWikiCitizen, DrivelPoliceBeGone, etc, etc.
If you find garbage in a park don't pick it up, don't throw it in the garbage bin. Cleaning the garbage it is so horrible and fraught with dangers that parks are much better if we just let the garbage be. It's better to enjoy the beauty next to the garbage. If the garbage overwhelms the beautiful things, use your imagination. Pretend the garbage is not there. But never, I said, never pick up the garbage. After all who are you to judge, one man's garbage is another man's esthetic of the ugly. Any resemblance with current situations, persons or characters is purely coincidental and no animal was hurt in the writing of this paragraph.
Garbagemen are not police. The above does not oppose ReFactoring, cleaning, gnoming, what have you.
Yeah, right. You bet. One man's cleaning is another man's WikiPolice. So we're back to square one.
CreateGreatPages. Encourage diversity and novelty. Maintain gentleness and trustworth [??]. Only edit when it obviously improves a page. Only do stuff that will make you proud.
DontSign. If you interact within UtopiaNow that is, otherwise be mindful that other members of this community reserve the RightToSign within the guidelines set by WikiSignature.
If we all do this, c2 will swiftly become an amazing wiki again. So let's.
Of course, the proponents of this Utopia have generously and copiously failed to set an example to demonstrate that their utopia works and actually produces results. Actually, the very creator of this page violently contradicted his thesis by generating unnecessary and gratuituous heat in the creation of this page. -- CostinCozianu
Observation: While walking through a park unnamed, I took note of two things:
- Some one had left their picnic trash, right where they had their picnic.
- In the park, I saw no trash cans.
-- DonaldNoyes.20100222
See also: ChangeTheCommunity